Rabah Arezki
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Cited by
Sovereign rating news and financial markets spillovers: Evidence from the European debt crisis
MR Arezki, B Candelon, MANR Sy
International Monetary Fund, 2011
Oil rents, corruption, and state stability: Evidence from panel data regressions
R Arezki, M Brückner
European Economic Review 55 (7), 955-963, 2011
What drives the global “land rush”?
R Arezki, K Deininger, H Selod
The World Bank Economic Review 29 (2), 207-233, 2015
Can the natural resource curse be turned into a blessing? The role of trade policies and institutions
R Arezki, R van der Ploeg
CEPR discussion paper no. DP6225, 2007
News shocks in open economies: Evidence from giant oil discoveries
R Arezki, VA Ramey, L Sheng
The quarterly journal of economics 132 (1), 103-155, 2017
Food prices and political instability
MR Arezki, M Bruckner
International Monetary Fund, 2011
Tourism specialization and economic development: Evidence from the UNESCO World Heritage List
MR Arezki, R Cherif, JM Piotrowski
International Monetary Fund, 2009
From global savings glut to financing infrastructure: The advent of investment platforms
MR Arezki, MP Bolton, S Peters, F Samama, J Stiglitz
International Monetary Fund, 2016
Testing the Prebisch–Singer hypothesis since 1650: Evidence from panel techniques that allow for multiple breaks
R Arezki, K Hadri, P Loungani, Y Rao
Journal of International Money and Finance 42, 208-223, 2014
Do natural resources depress income per capita?
R Arezki, F Van der Ploeg
Review of Development Economics 15 (3), 504-521, 2011
Boom–bust cycle, asymmetrical fiscal response and the Dutch disease
R Arezki, K Ismail
Journal of Development Economics 101, 256-267, 2013
Resource rents, democracy, corruption and conflict: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa
R Arezki, T Gylfason
Journal of African Economies 22 (4), 552-569, 2013
Global implications of lower oil prices
MAM Husain, MR Arezki, MP Breuer, MV Haksar, MT Helbling, ...
International Monetary Fund, 2015
Middle East and North Africa Economic Monitor, April 2018: Economic Transformation
R Arezki, L Mottaghi, A Barone, RY Fan, Y Kiendrebeogo, D Lederman
The world bank, 2018
Commodity windfalls, democracy and external debt
R Arezki, M Brückner
The Economic Journal 122 (561), 848-866, 2012
Seven questions about the recent oil price slump
R Arezki, O Blanchard
IMFdirect-The IMF Blog 22, 2014
Intensive and extensive margins of mining and development: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
N Mamo, S Bhattacharyya, A Moradi
Journal of Development Economics 139, 28-49, 2019
Understanding international commodity price fluctuations
R Arezki, P Loungani, R Van der Ploeg, AJ Venables
Journal of International Money and Finance 42, 1-8, 2014
Natural resources, volatility, and inclusive growth: perspectives from the Middle East and North Africa
MR Arezki, MMK Nabli
International Monetary Fund, 2012
Beyond the curse: policies to harness the power of natural resources
AN Sy, R Arezki, T Gylfason
Beyond the Curse, 2012
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Articles 1–20