Christina Marsh Dalton
Christina Marsh Dalton
University of Georgia, Wake Forest University
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Cited by
Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection and Health Expenditures: A Semiparametric Analysis
P Bajari, H Hong, A Khwaja
RAND Journal of Economics 45 (4), 747-763, 2014
Salience, myopia, and complex dynamic incentives: Evidence from Medicare Part D
CM Dalton, G Gowrisankaran, RJ Town
The Review of Economic Studies 87 (2), 822-869, 2020
Have US import prices become less responsive to changes in the dollar?
R Hellerstein, D Daly, TM Dalton
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 12 (6), 2006
Estimating demand elasticities using nonlinear pricing
CM Dalton
International Journal of Industrial Organization 37, 178-191, 2014
Cost versus control: Understanding ownership through outsourcing in hospitals
CM Dalton, PL Warren
Journal of health economics 48, 1-15, 2016
Why do firms use insurance to fund worker health benefits? The role of corporate finance
CM Dalton, SB Holland
Journal of Risk and Insurance 86 (1), 183-212, 2019
tMoral Hazard
P Bajari, H Hong, A Khwaja, C Marsh
Ad (verse Selection and Health Expenditures: A Semiparametric Analysis …, 2010
Better together: Coexistence of for-profit and nonprofit firms with an application to the US hospice industry
CM Dalton, WD Bradford
Journal of health economics 63, 1-18, 2019
Initial Learning and Eventual Substitution: A Behavior Study in Medicare Part D
TM Dalton, Y Zhong
mimeo, Wake Forest University, 2018
Disruptions to in-person medical visits across the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: evolving disparities by medical specialty and socio-economic status
W Liu, J Li, CM Dalton
Public Health 221, 116-123, 2023
Essays in health care economics: structural approaches to measuring moral hazard and adverse selection.
CL Marsh
Disruptions to In-person Medical Visits Across the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evolving Disparities by Medical Specialty and Socioeconomic Status
W Liu, J Li, CM Dalton
Public Health, 0
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Articles 1–12