Gregory S Gilbert
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Cited by
Are tropical fungal endophytes hyperdiverse?
AE Arnold, Z Maynard, GS Gilbert, PD Coley, TA Kursar
Ecology letters 3 (4), 267-274, 2000
Biotic interactions and plant invasions
CE Mitchell, AA Agrawal, JD Bever, GS Gilbert, RA Hufbauer, ...
Ecology letters 9 (6), 726-740, 2006
Phylogenetic signal in plant pathogen–host range
GS Gilbert, CO Webb
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (12), 4979-4983, 2007
Evolutionary ecology of plant diseases in natural ecosystems
GS Gilbert
Annual review of phytopathology 40 (1), 13-43, 2002
CTFS‐Forest GEO: a worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change
KJ Anderson‐Teixeira, SJ Davies, AC Bennett, EB Gonzalez‐Akre, ...
Global change biology 21 (2), 528-549, 2015
Global importance of large‐diameter trees
JA Lutz, TJ Furniss, DJ Johnson, SJ Davies, D Allen, A Alonso, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (7), 849-864, 2018
Fungal endophytes in dicotyledonous neotropical trees: patterns of abundance and diversity
AE Arnold, Z Maynard, GS Gilbert
Mycological research 105 (12), 1502-1507, 2001
The evolutionary ecology of novel plant-pathogen interactions
IM Parker, GS Gilbert
Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 35 (1), 675-700, 2004
Phylogenetic structure and host abundance drive disease pressure in communities
IM Parker, M Saunders, M Bontrager, AP Weitz, R Hendricks, R Magarey, ...
Nature 520 (7548), 542-544, 2015
Direct and interactive effects of enemies and mutualists on plant performance: a meta‐analysis
WF Morris, RA Hufbauer, AA Agrawal, JD Bever, VA Borowicz, GS Gilbert, ...
Ecology 88 (4), 1021-1029, 2007
Phylodiversity‐dependent seedling mortality, size structure, and disease in a Bornean rain forest
CO Webb, GS Gilbert, MJ Donoghue
Ecology 87 (sp7), S123-S131, 2006
Preserving accuracy in GenBank
MI Bidartondo
Science 319 (5870), 1616-1616, 2008
Density and distance-to-adult effects of a canker disease of trees in a moist tropical forest
GS Gilbert, RB Foster, SP Hubbell
Oecologia 98, 100-108, 1994
Introduced species, disease ecology, and biodiversity–disease relationships
HS Young, IM Parker, GS Gilbert, AS Guerra, CL Nunn
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32 (1), 41-54, 2017
ForestGEO: Understanding forest diversity and dynamics through a global observatory network
SJ Davies, I Abiem, KA Salim, S Aguilar, D Allen, A Alonso, ...
Biological Conservation 253, 108907, 2021
When there is no escape: the effects of natural enemies on native, invasive, and noninvasive plants
IM Parker, GS Gilbert
Ecology 88 (5), 1210-1224, 2007
Effects of seedling size, El Niño drought, seedling density, and distance to nearest conspecific adult on 6-year survival of Ocotea whitei seedlings in Panamá
GS Gilbert, KE Harms, DN Hamill, SP Hubbell
Oecologia 127, 509-516, 2001
Effects of an introduced bacterium on bacterial communities on roots
GS Gilbert, JL Parke, MK Clayton, J Handelsman
Ecology 74 (3), 840-854, 1993
Evolutionary tools for phytosanitary risk analysis: phylogenetic signal as a predictor of host range of plant pests and pathogens
GS Gilbert, R Magarey, K Suiter, CO Webb
Evolutionary Applications 5 (8), 869-878, 2012
Tree biodiversity in farmer cooperatives of a shade coffee landscape in western El Salvador
VE Méndez, SR Gliessman, GS Gilbert
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 119 (1-2), 145-159, 2007
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Articles 1–20