Matthias Schröter
Matthias Schröter
Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Faculty of Sustainability Sciences
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Assessing nature's contributions to people
S Díaz, U Pascual, M Stenseke, B Martín-López, RT Watson, Z Molnár, ...
Science 359 (6373), 270-272, 2018
Ecosystem services as a contested concept: a synthesis of critique and counter‐arguments
M Schröter, EH Van der Zanden, APE van Oudenhoven, RP Remme, ...
Conservation Letters 7 (6), 514-523, 2014
Accounting for capacity and flow of ecosystem services: A conceptual model and a case study for Telemark, Norway
M Schröter, DN Barton, RP Remme, L Hein
Ecological indicators 36, 539-551, 2014
Integrating ecosystem services and disservices: insights from plant invasions
AS Vaz, C Kueffer, CA Kull, DM Richardson, JR Vicente, I Kühn, ...
Ecosystem services 23, 94-107, 2017
Interregional flows of ecosystem services: Concepts, typology and four cases
M Schröter, T Koellner, R Alkemade, S Arnhold, KJ Bagstad, KH Erb, ...
Ecosystem Services 31, 231-241, 2018
When, where, and how nature matters for ecosystem services: challenges for the next generation of ecosystem service models
JT Rieb, R Chaplin-Kramer, GC Daily, PR Armsworth, K Böhning-Gaese, ...
BioScience 67 (9), 820-833, 2017
Spatial prioritisation for conserving ecosystem services: comparing hotspots with heuristic optimisation
M Schröter, RP Remme
Landscape Ecology, 1-20, 2016
Operationalizing Network Theory for Ecosystem Service Assessments
LE Dee, S Allesina, A Bonn, A Eklöf, SD Gaines, J Hines, U Jacob, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2017
Key criteria for developing ecosystem service indicators to inform decision making
APE van Oudenhoven, M Schröter, EG Drakou, IR Geijzendorffer, ...
Ecological Indicators 95, 417-426, 2018
Monetary accounting of ecosystem services: A test case for Limburg province, the Netherlands
RP Remme, B Edens, M Schröter, L Hein
Ecological Economics 112, 116-128, 2015
National ecosystem assessments in Europe: a review
M Schröter, C Albert, A Marques, W Tobon, S Lavorel, J Maes, C Brown, ...
BioScience 66 (10), 813-828, 2016
Refocusing ecosystem services towards sustainability
M Schröter, KH Stumpf, J Loos, APE Van Oudenhoven, ...
Ecosystem Services 25, 35-43, 2017
Crown plasticity and neighborhood interactions of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in an old-growth forest
M Schröter, W Härdtle, G von Oheimb
European Journal of Forest Research 131, 787-798, 2012
Lessons learned for spatial modelling of ecosystem services in support of ecosystem accounting
M Schröter, RP Remme, E Sumarga, DN Barton, L Hein
Ecosystem Services 13, 64-69, 2015
Mainstreaming biodiversity: A review of national strategies
PR Whitehorn, LM Navarro, M Schröter, M Fernandez, X Rotllan-Puig, ...
Biological conservation 235, 157-163, 2019
Developing spatial biophysical accounting for multiple ecosystem services
RP Remme, M Schröter, L Hein
Ecosystem Services 10, 6-18, 2014
Citizen science for assessing ecosystem services: Status, challenges and opportunities
M Schröter, R Kraemer, M Mantel, N Kabisch, S Hecker, A Richter, ...
Ecosystem Services 28, 80-94, 2017
How and where to map supply and demand of ecosystem services for policy-relevant outcomes? Letter to the Editor
M Schröter, RP Remme, LG Hein
Ecological Indicators 23, 220-221, 2012
Indicators for relational values of nature’s contributions to good quality of life: the IPBES approach for Europe and Central Asia
M Schröter, E Başak, M Christie, A Church, H Keune, E Osipova, ...
Ecosystems and people 16 (1), 50-69, 2020
Navigating pluralism: Understanding perceptions of the ecosystem services concept
J Ainscough, A de Vries Lentsch, M Metzger, M Rounsevell, M Schröter, ...
Ecosystem Services 36, 100892, 2019
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Articles 1–20