Christopher Timmins
Christopher Timmins
Professor of Economics, University of Wisconsin - Madison
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Migration and hedonic valuation: The case of air quality
P Bayer, N Keohane, C Timmins
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58 (1), 1-14, 2009
Environmental justice: The economics of race, place, and pollution
S Banzhaf, L Ma, C Timmins
Journal of Economic Perspectives 33 (1), 185-208, 2019
The housing market impacts of shale gas development
L Muehlenbachs, E Spiller, C Timmins
American Economic Review 105 (12), 3633-3659, 2015
Agglomeration effects in foreign direct investment and the pollution haven hypothesis
UJ Wagner, CD Timmins
Environmental and Resource Economics 43, 231-256, 2009
A dynamic model of demand for houses and neighborhoods
P Bayer, R McMillan, A Murphy, C Timmins
Econometrica 84 (3), 893-942, 2016
The New Economics of Equilibrium Sorting and Policy Evaluation Using Housing Markets
N Kuminoff, VK Smith, C Timmins
Journal of Economic Literature 51 (4), 1007-1062, 2013
Estimating equilibrium models of sorting across locations
P Bayer, C Timmins
The Economic Journal 117 (518), 353-374, 2007
The impact of piped water provision on infant mortality in Brazil: A quantile panel data approach
S Gamper-Rabindran, S Khan, C Timmins
Journal of Development Economics 92 (2), 188-200, 2010
A revealed preference approach to the measurement of congestion in travel cost models
C Timmins, J Murdock
Journal of Environmental Economics and management 53 (2), 230-249, 2007
How do gasoline prices affect fleet fuel economy?
S Li, C Timmins, R von Haefen
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 1 (2), 113-137, 2009
On the equilibrium properties of locational sorting models
P Bayer, C Timmins
Journal of Urban Economics 57 (3), 462-477, 2005
A rational expectations approach to hedonic price regressions with time-varying unobserved product attributes: The price of pollution
P Bajari, JC Fruehwirth, KI Kim, C Timmins
American Economic Review 102 (5), 1898-1926, 2012
Does cleanup of hazardous waste sites raise housing values? Evidence of spatially localized benefits
S Gamper-Rabindran, C Timmins
Journal of environmental economics and management 65 (3), 345-360, 2013
Measuring the dynamic efficiency costs of regulators' preferences: Municipal water utilities in the arid west
C Timmins
Econometrica 70 (2), 603-629, 2002
Hazardous waste cleanup, neighborhood gentrification, and environmental justice: Evidence from restricted access census block data
S Gamper-Rabindran, C Timmins
American Economic Review 101 (3), 620-624, 2011
Willingness to pay for clean air in China
R Freeman, W Liang, R Song, C Timmins
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 94, 188-216, 2019
The value of brownfield remediation
K Haninger, L Ma, C Timmins
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4 (1 …, 2017
Best practices for using hedonic property value models to measure willingness to pay for environmental quality
KC Bishop, NV Kuminoff, HS Banzhaf, KJ Boyle, K von Gravenitz, ...
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2020
Estimating network economies in retail chains: a revealed preference approach
PB Ellickson, S Houghton, C Timmins
The RAND Journal of Economics 44 (2), 169-193, 2013
Environmental justice: Establishing causal relationships
HS Banzhaf, L Ma, C Timmins
Annual Review of Resource Economics 11 (1), 377-398, 2019
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Articles 1–20