James Sexton
James Sexton
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Cited by
QCD radiative corrections to parton-parton scattering
RK Ellis, JC Sexton
Nuclear Physics B 269 (2), 445-484, 1986
Numerical evidence for the observation of a scalar glueball
J Sexton, A Vaccarino, D Weingarten
Physical review letters 75 (25), 4563, 1995
Hamiltonian evolution for the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm
JC Sexton, DH Weingarten
Nuclear Physics B 380 (3), 665-677, 1992
Hadron masses from the valence approximation to lattice QCD
F Butler, H Chen, J Sexton, A Vaccarino, D Weingarten
Nuclear Physics B 430 (1), 179-228, 1994
Overview of the IBM Blue Gene/P project
G Almasi, S Asaad, RE Bellofatto, HR Bickford, MA Blumrich, B Brezzo, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development, 2008
Accelerating materials discovery using artificial intelligence, high performance computing and robotics
EO Pyzer-Knapp, JW Pitera, PWJ Staar, S Takeda, T Laino, DP Sanders, ...
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 84, 2022
The design, deployment, and evaluation of the CORAL pre-exascale systems
SS Vazhkudai, BR De Supinski, AS Bland, A Geist, J Sexton, J Kahle, ...
SC18: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2018
Effects of nonperturbatively improved dynamical fermions in QCD at fixed lattice spacing
CR Allton, SP Booth, KC Bowler, J Garden, A Hart, D Hepburn, AC Irving, ...
Physical Review D 65 (5), 054502, 2002
The scalar and tensor glueballs in the valence approximation
H Chen, J Sexton, A Vaccarino, D Weingarten
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 34, 357-359, 1994
Light hadron spectroscopy with improved dynamical fermions
CR Allton, SP Booth, KC Bowler, M Foster, J Garden, AC Irving, ...
Physical Review D 60 (3), 034507, 1999
Hadron mass predictions of the valence approximation to lattice QCD
F Butler, H Chen, J Sexton, A Vaccarino, D Weingarten
Physical Review Letters 70 (19), 2849, 1993
Optimizing task layout on the Blue Gene/L supercomputer
G Bhanot, A Gara, P Heidelberger, E Lawless, JC Sexton, R Walkup
IBM Journal of Research and Development 49 (2.3), 489-500, 2005
Large-scale electronic structure calculations of high-Z metals on the BlueGene/L platform
F Gygi, EW Draeger, M Schulz, BR De Supinski, JA Gunnels, V Austel, ...
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 45-es, 2006
Optimizing layout of an application on a massively parallel supercomputer
GV Bhanot, A Gara, P Heidelberger, EM Lawless, JC Sexton, RE Walkup
US Patent 8,117,288, 2012
Enabling high-performance computing as a service
M AbdelBaky, M Parashar, H Kim, KE Jordan, V Sachdeva, J Sexton, ...
Computer 45 (10), 72-80, 2012
Explicit formulae for heavy flavour production
RK Ellis, JC Sexton
Nuclear physics B 282, 642-652, 1987
Large-scale first-principles molecular dynamics simulations on the bluegene/l platform using the qbox code
F Gygi, RK Yates, J Lorenz, EW Draeger, F Franchetti, CW Ueberhuber, ...
SC'05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 24-24, 2005
Geometric discretization scheme applied to the Abelian Chern-Simons theory
S Sen, S Sen, JC Sexton, DH Adams
Physical Review E 61 (3), 3174, 2000
Instability in the molecular dynamics step of a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm in dynamical fermion lattice QCD simulations
B Joo, B Pendleton, AD Kennedy, AC Irving, JC Sexton, SM Pickles, ...
Physical Review D 62 (11), 114501, 2000
100+ TFlop solidification simulations on BlueGene/L
FH Streitz, JN Glosli, MV Patel, B Chan, RK Yates, BR de Supinski, ...
Proceedings of IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 5, 2005
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Articles 1–20