Zhiduo Zhang
Zhiduo Zhang
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Cited by
Quantitative modelling of amino acid transport and homeostasis in mammalian cells
G Gauthier-Coles, J Vennitti, Z Zhang, WC Comb, S Xing, K Javed, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5282, 2021
Holo-UNet: hologram-to-hologram neural network restoration for high fidelity low light quantitative phase imaging of live cells
Z Zhang, Y Zheng, T Xu, A Upadhya, YJ Lim, A Mathews, L Xie, WM Lee
Biomedical Optics Express 11 (10), 5478-5487, 2020
Noise reduction in ultra-low light digital holographic microscopy using neural networks
Z Zhang, WM Lee, L Xie, A Mathews, X He
Biophotonics Australasia 2019 11202, 8-9, 2019
Patterning Fluid Shear Stress Landscapes with Multiphoton Inner Laser Lithography (MILL) for Live Cell Adhesion and Translocation
YJ Lim, J Zhang, H Lin, T Xu, Y Li, Z Zhang, SM Hicks, I Chudinov, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.06. 17.496569, 2022
Software package for off-axis digital holographic microscopy imaging processing
T Xu, X He, Z Zhang, S Montague, E Gardiner, WM Lee
Biophotonics Australasia 2019 11202, 58-60, 2019
QBCov: A Linked Data interface for Discrete Global Grid Systems, a new approach to delivering coverage data on the web
Z Zhang, S Toyer, D Brizhinev, M Ledger, K Taylor, MBJ Purss
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, IN51C-1861, 2016
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Articles 1–6