Roch Gaussoin
Roch Gaussoin
Professor of Agronomy
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Cited by
Molecular characterization of buffalograss germplasm using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers
H Budak, RC Shearman, I Parmaksiz, RE Gaussoin, TP Riordan, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 108, 328-334, 2004
Imidazolinone herbicides improve restoration of Great Plains grasslands
RA Masters, SJ Nissen, RE Gaussoin, DD Beran, RN Stougaard
Weed Technology 10 (2), 392-403, 1996
Miscanthus × giganteus productivity: the effects of management in different environments
M Maughan, G Bollero, DK Lee, R Darmody, S Bonos, L Cortese, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 4 (3), 253-265, 2012
Application of sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers for characterization of turfgrass species
H Budak, B Shearman, RE Gaussoin, IM Dweikat
Influence of cultural factors on species dominance in a mixed stand of annual bluegrass/creeping bentgrass
RE Gaussoin, BE Branham
Crop Science 29 (2), 480-484, 1989
A waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) population resistant to 2, 4-D
ML Bernards, RJ Crespo, GR Kruger, R Gaussoin, PJ Tranel
Weed Science 60 (3), 379-384, 2012
Biomass production of herbaceous energy crops in the United States: Field trial results and yield potential maps from the multiyear regional feedstock partnership
DK Lee, E Aberle, EK Anderson, W Anderson, BS Baldwin, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 10 (10), 698-716, 2018
Influence of trinexapac‐ethyl on respiration of isolated wheat mitochondria
NL Heckman, TE Elthon, GL Horst, RE Gaussoin
Crop Science 42 (2), 423-427, 2002
Basal growth temperatures and growth rate constants of warm‐season turfgrass species
JB Unruh, RE Gaussoin, SC Wiest
Crop Science 36 (4), 997-999, 1996
Native wildflower establishment with imidazolinone herbicides
DD Beran, RE Gaussoin, RA Masters
A modified stimpmeter for small-plot turfgrass research
RE Gaussoin, J Nus, L Leuthold
Response of 32 bermudagrass clones to reduced light intensity.
RE Gaussoin, AA Baltensperger, BN Coffey
Grassland legume establishment with imazethapyr and imazapic
DD Beran, RA Masters, RE Gaussoin
Agronomy Journal 91 (4), 592-596, 1999
Nitrogen rate and mowing height effects on turf‐type buffalograss
KW Frank, RE Gaussoin, TP Riordan, RC Shearman, JD Fry, ED Miltner, ...
Crop science 44 (5), 1615-1621, 2004
Storage and handling characteristics of trinexapac-ethyl treated Kentucky bluegrass sod
NL Heckman, GL Horse, RE Gaussoin, K Frank
Establishment of big bluestem and Illinois bundleflower mixtures with imazapic and imazethapyr
DD Beran, RA Masters, RE Gaussoin, F Rivas‐Pantoja
Agronomy Journal 92 (3), 460-465, 2000
Trinexapac-ethyl influence on cell membrane thermostability of Kentucky bluegrass leaf tissue
NL Heckman, GL Horst, RE Gaussoin, BT Tavener
Scientia Horticulturae 92 (2), 183-186, 2002
Labile soil organic matter as a potential nitrogen source in golf greens
M Kerek, RA Drijber, RE Gaussoin
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35 (12), 1643-1649, 2003
Carbon dioxide exchange rate and chlorophyll content of turfgrasses treated with flurprimidol or mefluidide
RE Gaussoin, BE Branham, JA Flore
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 16, 73-78, 1997
Influence of trinexapac-ethyl on specific leaf weight and chlorophyll content of Poa pratensis
NL Heckman, GL Horst, RE Gaussoin
Int. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J 9, 287-290, 2001
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Articles 1–20