David Xiao
David Xiao
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Cited by
Path-quality monitoring in the presence of adversaries
S Goldberg, D Xiao, E Tromer, B Barak, J Rexford
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 36 (1), 193-204, 2008
Lower bounds on information complexity via zero-communication protocols and applications
I Kerenidis, S Laplante, V Lerays, J Roland, D Xiao
SIAM Journal on Computing 44 (5), 1550-1572, 2015
Is privacy compatible with truthfulness?
D Xiao
Proceedings of the 4th conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer …, 2013
Redrawing the boundaries on purchasing data from privacy-sensitive individuals
K Nissim, S Vadhan, D Xiao
Proceedings of the 5th conference on Innovations in theoretical computer …, 2014
Derandomizing the Ahlswede-Winter matrix-valued Chernoff bound using pessimistic estimators, and applications
A Wigderson, D Xiao
Theory of Computing 4 (1), 53-76, 2008
Sample complexity bounds on differentially private learning via communication complexity
V Feldman, D Xiao
Conference on Learning Theory, 1000-1019, 2014
On basing lower-bounds for learning on worst-case assumptions
B Applebaum, B Barak, D Xiao
2008 49th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 211-220, 2008
Protocols and lower bounds for failure localization in the Internet
B Barak, S Goldberg, D Xiao
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2008: 27th Annual International Conference …, 2008
Improved bounds for the randomized decision tree complexity of recursive majority
F Magniez, A Nayak, M Santha, J Sherman, G Tardos, D Xiao
Random Structures & Algorithms 48 (3), 612-638, 2016
On the power of randomized reductions and the checkability of SAT
M Mahmoody, D Xiao
2010 IEEE 25th Annual Conference on Computational Complexity, 64-75, 2010
Estimating and comparing entropies across written natural languages using PPM compression
F Behr, V Fossum, M Mitzenmacher, D Xiao
Data Compression Conference, 2003. Proceedings. DCC 2003, 416, 2003
A new sampling protocol and applications to basing cryptographic primitives on the hardness of NP
I Haitner, M Mahmoody, D Xiao
2010 IEEE 25th Annual Conference on Computational Complexity, 76-87, 2010
On Zero-Knowledge PCPs: Limitations, Simplifications, and Applications
Y Ishai, M Mahmoody, A Sahai, D Xiao
A randomness-efficient sampler for matrix-valued functions and applications
A Wigderson, D Xiao
46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'05), 397-406, 2005
The evolution of expander graphs
DY Xiao
Harvard University, 2003
Languages with efficient zero-knowledge PCPs are in SZK
M Mahmoody, D Xiao
Theory of Cryptography: 10th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2013 …, 2013
On the round complexity of zero-knowledge proofs based on one-way permutations
SD Gordon, H Wee, D Xiao, A Yerukhimovich
Progress in Cryptology–LATINCRYPT 2010: First International Conference on …, 2010
Path-quality monitoring in the presence of adversaries: The secure sketch protocols
S Goldberg, D Xiao, E Tromer, B Barak, J Rexford
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 23 (6), 1729-1741, 2014
The four layers of the blockchain
D Xiao
Medium. San Francisco, USA. Online verfügbar unter https://medium. com …, 2016
(Nearly) round-optimal black-box constructions of commitments secure against selective opening attacks
D Xiao
Theory of Cryptography: 8th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2011 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20