A. B. M. Alim Al Islam
A. B. M. Alim Al Islam
Professor, Department of CSE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
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Cited by
Channel assignment techniques for multi-radio wireless mesh networks: A survey
ABMA Al Islam, MJ Islam, N Nurain, V Raghunathan
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (2), 988-1017, 2015
Keystroke/mouse usage based emotion detection and user identification
R Shikder, S Rahaman, F Afroze, ABMA Al Islam
2017 International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS …, 2017
A hybrid IoT-based approach for emergency evacuation
N Al-Nabhan, N Al-Aboody, ABMA Al Islam
Computer Networks 155, 87-97, 2019
Finding the optimal percentage of cluster heads from a new and complete mathematical model on leach
ABMA Al Islam, CS Hyder, H Kabir, M Naznin
Wireless Sensor Network 2 (02), 129, 2010
iTCP: an intelligent TCP with neural network based end-to-end congestion control for ad-hoc multi-hop wireless mesh networks
ABM Alim Al Islam, V Raghunathan
Wireless Networks 21, 581-610, 2015
Stable sensor network (SSN): A dynamic clustering technique for maximizing stability in wireless sensor networks
ABMA Al Islam, CS Hyder, H Kabir, M Naznin
Wireless Sensor Network 2 (07), 538, 2010
Towards achieving a delicate blending between rule-based translator and neural machine translator
MA Islam, MSH Anik, ABMAA Islam
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (18), 12141-12167, 2021
Man-in-the-middle attack on contactless payment over NFC communications: design, implementation, experiments and detection
S Akter, S Chellappan, T Chakraborty, TA Khan, A Rahman, ...
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (6), 3012-3023, 2020
Learning from tweets: opportunities and challenges to inform policy making during dengue epidemic
F Shahid, SH Ony, TR Albi, S Chellappan, A Vashistha, ABMAA Islam
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 4 (CSCW1), 1-27, 2020
μsetl: A set based programming abstraction for wireless sensor networks
MS Hossain, ABMA Al Islam, M Kulkarni, V Raghunathan
Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information …, 2011
Detection of various denial of service and Distributed Denial of Service attacks using RNN ensemble
ABMA Al Islam, T Sabrina
2009 12th international conference on computers and information technology …, 2009
Strategizing secured image storing and efficient image retrieval through a new cloud framework
J Noor, SI Salim, ABMA Al Islam
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 192, 103167, 2021
Network-level performance enhancement in wireless nanosensor networks through multi-layer modifications
S Tairin, N Nurain, ABMA Al Islam
2017 International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS), 75-83, 2017
Backpacking: Energy-efficient deployment of heterogeneous radios in multi-radio high-data-rate wireless sensor networks
ABMA Al Islam, MS Hossain, V Raghunathan, YC Hu
IEEE Access 2, 1281-1306, 2014
An intelligent IoT approach for analyzing and managing crowds
N Al-Nabhan, S Alenazi, S Alquwaifili, S Alzamzami, L Altwayan, ...
IEEE Access 9, 104874-104886, 2021
End-to-end congestion control in wireless mesh networks using a neural network
ABMA Al Islam, V Raghunathan
2011 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 677-682, 2011
Two tell-tale perspectives of PTSD: neurobiological abnormalities and Bayesian regulatory network of the underlying disorder in a refugee Context
F Shahid, W Rahman, AB Islam, N Paul, N Khan, MS Rahman, MM Haque, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2019
A tale of a deep learning approach to image forgery detection
MTH Majumder, ABMA Al Islam
2018 5th international conference on networking, systems and security (NSysS …, 2018
Orchestrating image retrieval and storage over a cloud system
J Noor, MNH Shanto, JJ Mondal, MG Hossain, S Chellappan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 11 (2), 1794-1806, 2022
Secure processing-aware media storage (SPMS)
J Noor, HI Akbar, RA Sujon, ABMA Al Islam
2017 IEEE 36th International Performance Computing and Communications …, 2017
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Articles 1–20