William W. Thatcher
William W. Thatcher
Emeritus Graduate Research Professor
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Black globe-humidity index (BGHI) as comfort equation for dairy cows.
DE Buffington, A Collazo-Arocho, GH Canton, D Pitt, WW Thatcher, ...
The effect of embryonic death rates in cattle on the efficacy of estrus synchronization programs
JEP Santos, WW Thatcher, RC Chebel, RLA Cerri, KN Galvao
Animal reproduction science 82, 513-535, 2004
Effects of presynchronization and bovine somatotropin on pregnancy rates to a timed artificial insemination protocol in lactating dairy cows
F Moreira, C Orlandi, CA Risco, R Mattos, F Lopes, WW Thatcher
Journal of dairy science 84 (7), 1646-1659, 2001
Influence of supplemental fats on reproductive tissues and performance of lactating cows
CR Staples, JM Burke, WW Thatcher
Journal of dairy science 81 (3), 856-871, 1998
Influences of environment and its modification on dairy animal health and production
RJ Collier, DK Beede, WW Thatcher, LA Israel, CJ Wilcox
Journal of dairy science 65 (11), 2213-2227, 1982
Factors that affect ovarian follicular dynamics in cattle
MC Lucy, JD Savio, L Badinga, RL De La Sota, WW Thatcher
Journal of animal science 70 (11), 3615-3626, 1992
Effects of dietary fatty acids on reproduction in ruminants
R Mattos, CR Staples, WW Thatcher
Reviews of reproduction 5 (1), 38-45, 2000
Theory of maternal recognition of pregnancy in swine based on estrogen controlled endocrine versus exocrine secretion of prostaglandin F2 alpha by the uterine endometrium.
FW Bazer, WW Thatcher
Invited review: New perspectives on the roles of nutrition and metabolic priorities in the subfertility of high-producing dairy cows
LM Chagas, JJ Bass, D Blache, CR Burke, JK Kay, DR Lindsay, MC Lucy, ...
Journal of dairy science 90 (9), 4022-4032, 2007
Relationship between ovarian activity and energy status during the early postpartum period of high producing dairy cows
CR Staples, WW Thatcher, JH Clark
Journal of dairy science 73 (4), 938-947, 1990
Effects of heat stress during pregnancy on maternal hormone concentrations, calf birth weight and postpartum milk yield of Holstein cows
RJ Collier, SG Doelger, HH Head, WW Thatcher, CJ Wilcox
Journal of animal science 54 (2), 309-319, 1982
Effect of heat stress on follicular development during the estrous cycle in lactating dairy cattle
D Wolfenson, WW Thatcher, L Badinga, JD Savi0, R Meidan, BJ Lew, ...
Biology of Reproduction 52 (5), 1106-1113, 1995
Establishment of pregnancy in the pig: I. Interrelationships between preimplantation development of the pig blastocyst and uterine endometrial secretions
RD Gelsert, RH Renegar, WW Thatcher, R Michael Roberts, FW Bazer
Biology of Reproduction 27 (4), 925-939, 1982
Effect of day of the estrous cycle at the initiation of a timed artificial insemination protocol on reproductive responses in dairy heifers
F Moreira, RL De la Sota, T Diaz, WW Thatcher
Journal of animal science 78 (6), 1568-1576, 2000
Hormonal Regulation of Uterine Secretion of Prostaglandin F during Luteolysis in Ruminants
WJ Silvia, GS Lewis, JA McCracken, WW Thatcher, L Wilson Jr
Biology of reproduction 45 (5), 655-663, 1991
Prevalence of periparturient diseases and effects on fertility of seasonally calving grazing dairy cows supplemented with concentrates
ES Ribeiro, FS Lima, LF Greco, RS Bisinotto, APA Monteiro, M Favoreto, ...
Journal of dairy science 96 (9), 5682-5697, 2013
Effects of climatic and management factors on conception rate of dairy cattle in subtropical environment
L Badinga, RJ Collier, WW Thatcher, CJ Wilcox
Journal of Dairy Science 68 (1), 78-85, 1985
Conceptus development in intact and unilaterally hysterectomized-ovariectomized gilts: interrelations among hormonal status, placental development, fetal fluids and fetal growth
JW Knight, FW Bazer, WW Thatcher, DE Franke, HD Wallace
Journal of animal science 44 (4), 620-637, 1977
Effect of lameness on ovarian activity in postpartum Holstein cows
EJ Garbarino, JA Hernandez, JK Shearer, CA Risco, WW Thatcher
Journal of dairy science 87 (12), 4123-4131, 2004
Energy balance and size and number of ovarian follicles detected by ultrasonography in early postpartum dairy cows
MC Lucy, CR Staples, FM Michel, WW Thatcher
Journal of dairy science 74 (2), 473-482, 1991
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Articles 1–20