Laura Tiehen
Laura Tiehen
Economic Research Service, USDA
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Cited by
An analysis of major league baseball attendance, 1969-1987
RA Baade, LJ Tiehen
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 14 (1), 14-32, 1990
SNAP matters: how food stamps affect health and well-being
J Bartfeld, C Gundersen, T Smeeding, JP Ziliak
Stanford University Press, 2015
Alleviating poverty in the United States: The critical role of SNAP benefits
L Tiehen, D Jolliffe, C Gunderson
US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 2012
Tax policy and charitable contributions of money
L Tiehen
National Tax Journal 54 (4), 707-723, 2001
The decline in food stamp program participation in the 1990's
P Wilde
US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 2000
Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children and infant feeding practices
A Jacknowitz, D Novillo, L Tiehen
Pediatrics 119 (2), 281-289, 2007
Has working more caused married women to volunteer less? Evidence from time diary data, 1965 to 1993
L Tiehen
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 29 (4), 505-529, 2000
The effect of SNAP on poverty
L Tiehen, D Jolliffe, TM Smeeding
Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013
Food stamp benefits and child poverty
D Jolliffe, C Gundersen, L Tiehen, J Winicki
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87 (3), 569-581, 2005
The downs and ups of the SNAP caseload: what matters?
S Dickert‐Conlin, K Fitzpatrick, B Stacy, L Tiehen
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43 (3), 1026-1050, 2021
The food-spending patterns of households participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Findings from USDA's FoodAPS
L Tiehen, C Newman, JA Kirlin
Using a policy index to capture trends and differences in state administration of USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
B Stacy, L Tiehen, D Marquardt
The challenge of program evaluation: When increasing program participation decreases the relative well-being of participants
C Gundersen, D Jolliffe, L Tiehen
Food Policy 34 (4), 367-376, 2009
The food safety net after welfare reform: Use of private and public food assistance in the Kansas City metropolitan area
J Mosley, L Tiehen
Social Service Review 78 (2), 267-283, 2004
A Safety Net for Farm Households
C Gundersen
Design Issues in USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Looking Ahead by Looking Back
V Oliveira, M Prell, L Tiehen, D Smallwood
Transitions into and out of the WIC Program: A Cause for Concern?
A Jacknowitz, L Tiehen
Social Service Review 83 (2), 151-183, 2009
The food assistance landscape: Fiscal year 2019 annual report
L Tiehen
Why wait?: Examining delayed WIC participation among pregnant women
L Tiehen, A Jacknowitz
Contemporary economic policy 26 (4), 518-538, 2008
Food insecurity in the PSID: A comparison with the levels, trends, and determinants in the CPS, 1999–2017
L Tiehen, CN Vaughn, JP Ziliak
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 45 (2), 103-138, 2020
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Articles 1–20