Kewen Liao
Kewen Liao
Associate Professor, School of IT, Deakin University
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Cited by
CorrDetector: A framework for structural corrosion detection from drone images using ensemble deep learning
ARM Forkan, YB Kang, PP Jayaraman, K Liao, R Kaul, G Morgan, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 193, 116461, 2022
Temporal betweenness centrality in dynamic graphs
I Tsalouchidou, R Baeza-Yates, F Bonchi, K Liao, T Sellis
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 9, 257-272, 2020
Contextual community search over large social networks
L Chen, C Liu, K Liao, J Li, R Zhou
2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 88-99, 2019
Model-driven development of context-aware web services
J Yu, Q Sheng, K Liao, H Wong
CRC Press, 2010
Performance-aware cost-effective resource provisioning for future grid IoT-cloud system
W Li, K Liao, Q He, Y Xia
Journal of Energy Engineering 145 (5), 04019016, 2019
Fast anomaly detection in multiple multi-dimensional data streams
H Sun, Q He, K Liao, T Sellis, L Guo, X Zhang, J Shen, F Chen
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1218-1223, 2019
Human-AI interactive and continuous sensemaking: A case study of image classification using scribble attention maps
H Shen, K Liao, Z Liao, J Doornberg, M Qiao, A Van Den Hengel, ...
extended abstracts of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing …, 2021
Classification and annotation of open internet of things datastreams
F Montori, K Liao, PP Jayaraman, L Bononi, T Sellis, D Georgakopoulos
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2018: 19th International Conference …, 2018
WS-Finder: A framework for similarity search of web services
J Ma, QZ Sheng, K Liao, Y Zhang, AHH Ngu
Service-Oriented Computing: 10th International Conference, ICSOC 2012 …, 2012
Understanding the effects of real-time sentiment analysis and morale visualisation in backchannel systems: A case study
T Wyeld, P Jiranantanagorn, H Shen, K Liao, T Bednarz
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 145, 102524, 2021
Techniques on developing context‐aware web services
QZ Sheng, J Yu, A Segev, K Liao
International Journal of Web Information Systems 6 (3), 185-202, 2010
Effective construction of relative Lempel-Ziv dictionaries
K Liao, M Petri, A Moffat, A Wirth
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, 807-816, 2016
CNN attention guidance for improved orthopedics radiographic fracture classification
Z Liao, K Liao, H Shen, MF Van Boxel, J Prijs, RL Jaarsma, JN Doornberg, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 26 (7), 3139-3150, 2022
On effective and efficient graph edge labeling
O Goonetilleke, D Koutra, K Liao, T Sellis
Distributed and Parallel Databases 37, 5-38, 2019
Do simpler statistical methods perform better in multivariate long sequence time-series forecasting?
H Li, J Shao, K Liao, M Tang
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
A fast algorithm for optimally finding partially disjoint shortest paths
L Guo, Y Deng, K Liao, Q He, T Sellis, Z Hu
Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2018
Improved Approximation Algorithms for Computing k Disjoint Paths Subject to Two Constraints
L Guo, H Shen, K Liao
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 325-336, 2013
Unconstrained and constrained fault-tolerant resource allocation
K Liao, H Shen
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 555-566, 2011
Efficient approximation algorithms for computing k disjoint restricted shortest paths
L Guo, K Liao, H Shen, P Li
Proceedings of the 27th ACM symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and …, 2015
Efficient algorithms for flexible sweep coverage in crowdsensing
P Huang, W Zhu, K Liao, T Sellis, Z Yu, L Guo
IEEE Access 6, 50055-50065, 2018
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Articles 1–20