Fan Zuo
Fan Zuo
Postdoctoral Associate, New York University
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Cited by
Time lag effects of COVID-19 policies on transportation systems: A comparative study of New York City and Seattle
Z Bian, F Zuo, J Gao, Y Chen, SSCP Venkata, SD Bernardes, K Ozbay, ...
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 145, 269-283, 2021
An interactive data visualization and analytics tool to evaluate mobility and sociability trends during covid-19
F Zuo, J Wang, J Gao, K Ozbay, XJ Ban, Y Shen, H Yang, S Iyer
UrbComp 2020: The 9th SIGKDD International Workshop on Urban Computing, San …, 2020
Data-driven spatial modeling for quantifying networkwide resilience in the aftermath of hurricanes Irene and Sandy
Y Zhu, K Xie, K Ozbay, F Zuo, H Yang
Transportation research record 2604 (1), 9-18, 2017
Proactive safety monitoring: A functional approach to detect safety-related anomalies using unmanned aerial vehicle video data
D Yang, K Ozbay, K Xie, H Yang, F Zuo, D Sha
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 127, 103130, 2021
Reference-free video-to-real distance approximation-based urban social distancing analytics amid COVID-19 pandemic
F Zuo, J Gao, A Kurkcu, H Yang, K Ozbay, Q Ma
Journal of Transport & Health 21, 101032, 2021
Calibrating stochastic traffic simulation models for safety and operational measures based on vehicle conflict distributions obtained from aerial and traffic camera videos
D Sha, J Gao, D Yang, F Zuo, K Ozbay
Accident Analysis & Prevention 179, 106878, 2023
Ramp metering for a distant downstream bottleneck using reinforcement learning with value function approximation
Y Zhou, K Ozbay, P Kachroo, F Zuo
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2020 (1), 8813467, 2020
impact of social media on travel behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from New York City
Q Ye, K Ozbay, F Zuo, X Chen
Transportation Research Record 2677 (4), 219-238, 2023
Crowdsourcing incident information for emergency response using open data sources in smart cities
F Zuo, A Kurkcu, K Ozbay, J Gao
Transportation research record 2672 (1), 198-208, 2018
Agent-based simulation model and deep learning techniques to evaluate and predict transportation trends around COVID-19
D Wang, F Zuo, J Gao, Y He, Z Bian, SD Bernardes, C Na, J Wang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.09648, 2020
Public concerns and response pattern toward shared mobility security using social media data
Q Ye, X Chen, H Zhang, K Ozbay, F Zuo
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 619-624, 2019
A new curb lane monitoring and illegal parking impact estimation approach based on queueing theory and computer vision for cameras with low resolution and low frame rate
J Gao, F Zuo, K Ozbay, O Hammami, ML Barlas
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 162, 137-154, 2022
A functional approach for characterizing safety risk of signalized intersections at the movement level: An exploratory analysis
D Yang, K Ozbay, K Xie, H Yang, F Zuo
Accident Analysis & Prevention 163, 106446, 2021
Crowdsourcing incident information for disaster response using twitter
A Kurkcu, F Zuo, J Gao, EF Morgul, K Ozbay
Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, 2017
Microscopic simulation based study of pedestrian safety applications at signalized urban crossings in a connected-automated vehicle environment and reinforcement learning based …
F Zuo, K Ozbay, A Kurkcu, J Gao, H Yang, K Xie
Advances in transportation studies, 2020
Understanding the travel challenges and gaps for older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak: Insights from the New York City area
J Gao, CD Lee, K Ozbay, F Zuo, TL Chippendale
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 19, 100815, 2023
Developing an integrated platform to enable hardware-in-the-loop for synchronous VR, traffic simulation and sensor interactions
S Ergan, Z Zou, SD Bernardes, F Zuo, K Ozbay
Advanced Engineering Informatics 51, 101476, 2022
A life cycle cost analysis approach for emerging intelligent transportation systems with connected and autonomous vehicles
J Gao, K Ozbay, F Zuo, A Kurkcu
Connected Cities for Smart Mobility toward Accessible and Resilient …, 2017
A functional approach for analyzing time-dependent driver response behavior to real-world connected vehicle warnings
D Yang, K Ozbay, J Gao, F Zuo
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (3), 3438-3447, 2022
NYC recovery at a glance: The rise of buses and micromobility
SD Bernardes, Z Bian, SSM Thambiran, J Gao, C Na, F Zuo, N Hudanich, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.14019, 2020
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Articles 1–20