Layla Pournajaf
Layla Pournajaf
Computer Science PhD, Emory University
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Cited by
Spatial task assignment for crowd sensing with cloaked locations
L Pournajaf, L Xiong, V Sunderam, S Goryczka
2014 IEEE 15th International Conference on Mobile Data Management 1, 73-82, 2014
Participant privacy in mobile crowd sensing task management: A survey of methods and challenges
L Pournajaf, DA Garcia-Ulloa, L Xiong, V Sunderam
ACM Sigmod Record 44 (4), 23-34, 2016
Help me find a job: A graph-based approach for job recommendation at scale
W Shalaby, BE AlAila, M Korayem, L Pournajaf, K AlJadda, S Quinn, ...
2017 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 1544-1553, 2017
Dynamic data driven crowd sensing task assignment
L Pournajaf, L Xiong, V Sunderam
Procedia Computer Science 29, 1314-1323, 2014
A survey on privacy in mobile crowd sensing task management
L Pournajaf, L Xiong, DA Garcia-Ulloa, V Sunderam
Dept. Math. Comput. Sci., Emory Univ., Atlanta, GA, USA, Tech. Rep. TR-2014-002, 2014
Stac: Spatial task assignment for crowd sensing with cloaked participant locations
L Pournajaf, L Xiong, V Sunderam, X Xu
Proceedings of the 23rd SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in …, 2015
Privacy preserving reverse k-nearest neighbor queries
L Pournajaf, F Tahmasebian, L Xiong, V Sunderam, C Shahabi
2018 19th IEEE international conference on mobile data management (MDM), 177-186, 2018
Predict: Privacy and security enhancing dynamic information collection and monitoring
L Xiong, V Sunderam, L Fan, S Goryczka, L Pournajaf
Procedia Computer Science 18, 1979-1988, 2013
Privacy concerns of semantic web
A Nematzadeh, L Pournajaf
Fifth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations …, 2008
Long Tail Query Enrichment for Semantic Job Search
L Pournajaf, K Aljadda, M Korayem
2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) (2017), 2017
Privacy and security issues in DDDAS systems
L Xiong, V Sunderam, L Fan, S Goryczka, L Pournajaf
Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems: Volume 1, 629-644, 2021
Chen, Yixin Chen, Chenyang Lu, Marin Kollef, Thomas Bailey
L Pournajaf
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Articles 1–12