Hongbo Dong
Hongbo Dong
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Washington State University
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Cited by
Reduced rank regression via adaptive nuclear norm penalization
K Chen, H Dong, KS Chan
Biometrika 100 (4), 901-920, 2013
A scale-invariant approach for sparse signal recovery
Y Rahimi, C Wang, H Dong, Y Lou
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (6), A3649-A3672, 2019
Representing quadratically constrained quadratic programs as generalized copositive programs
S Burer, H Dong
Operations Research Letters 40 (3), 203-206, 2012
Regularization vs. relaxation: A conic optimization perspective of statistical variable selection
H Dong, K Chen, J Linderoth
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.06083, 2015
Separating doubly nonnegative and completely positive matrices
H Dong, K Anstreicher
Mathematical Programming 137, 131-153, 2013
On valid inequalities for quadratic programming with continuous variables and binary indicators
H Dong, J Linderoth
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 16th International …, 2013
Structural properties of affine sparsity constraints
H Dong, M Ahn, JS Pang
Mathematical Programming, Ser. B, 2018
Relaxing nonconvex quadratic functions by multiple adaptive diagonal perturbations
H Dong
SIAM Journal on Optimization 26 (3), 1962-1985, 2016
Symmetric tensor approximation hierarchies for the completely positive cone
H Dong
SIAM Journal on Optimization 23 (3), 1850-1866, 2013
Separation and relaxation for cones of quadratic forms
S Burer, H Dong
Mathematical programming 137 (1), 343-370, 2013
On the linear convergence to weak/standard d-stationary points of DCA-based algorithms for structured nonsmooth DC programming
H Dong, M Tao
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 189 (1), 190-220, 2021
On integer and MPCC representability of affine sparsity
H Dong
Operations Research Letters 47 (3), 208-212, 2019
Optimality of dynamic voltage/frequency scaling in many-core systems with voltage-frequency islands
S Hajiamini, B Shirazi, H Dong, C Cain
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 24, 100344, 2019
A note on 5 X 5 completely positive matrices
H Dong, K Anstreicher
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 433 (5), 1001-1004, 2010
Semidefinite approaches for MIQCP: Convex relaxations and practical methods
H Dong, N Krislock
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications: MOPTA, Bethlehem, PA …, 2015
Compact disjunctive approximations to nonconvex quadratically constrained programs
H Dong, Y Luo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.08122, 2018
A fast heuristic for improving the energy efficiency of asymmetric VFI-Based manycore systems
S Hajiamini, B Shirazi, H Dong
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 7 (2), 358-370, 2021
A fast heuristic for tasks assignment in manycore systems with voltage-frequency islands
S Hajiamini, B Shirazi, H Dong
Proc. International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and …, 2018
Optimal energy-aware scheduling in VFI-enabled multicore systems
S Hajiamini, B Shirazi, C Cain, H Dong
2017 IEEE 19th International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2017
An energy-constrained makespan optimization framework in fine-to coarse-grain partitioned multicore systems
S Hajiamini, B Shirazi, C Cain, H Dong
2017 Eighth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), 1-8, 2017
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Articles 1–20