Christoph Molitor
Christoph Molitor
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Demand side management for city districts
D Müller, A Monti, S Stinner, T Schlösser, T Schütz, P Matthes, H Wolisz, ...
Building and Environment 91, 283-293, 2015
MESCOS—A multienergy system cosimulator for city district energy systems
C Molitor, S Gross, J Zeitz, A Monti
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (4), 2247-2256, 2014
Multiphysics test bed for renewable energy systems in smart homes
C Molitor, A Benigni, A Helmedag, K Chen, D Cali, P Jahangiri, D Muller, ...
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 60 (3), 1235-1248, 2012
New energy concepts and related information technologies: Dual Demand Side Management
C Molitor, D Cali, R Streblow, F Ponci, D Müller, A Monti
2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 1-6, 2012
Two-level agent-based scheduling for a cluster of heating systems
S Kolen, C Molitor, L Wagner, A Monti
Sustainable cities and society 30, 273-281, 2017
Consumer benefits of electricity-price-driven heat pump operation in future smart grids
C Molitor, F Ponci, A Monti, D Cali, D Müller
2011 IEEE International Conference on Smart Measurements of Future Grids …, 2011
Load models for home energy system and micro grid simulations
C Molitor, K Togawa, S Bolte, A Monti
2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), 1-6, 2012
Decentralized coordination of the operation of residential heating units
C Molitor, M Marin, L Hernández, A Monti
IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2013, 1-5, 2013
Residential city districts as flexibility resource: analysis, simulation, and decentralized coordination algorithms
C Molitor
Dissertation, Zugl.: Aachen, Techn. Hochsch., 2015, 2015
An advanced real-time simulation laboratory for future grid studies: Current state and future development
A Benigni, J Liu, A Helmedag, W Li, C Molitor, B Schäfer, A Monti
2012 Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG). Proceedings, 1-6, 2012
Challenges in modeling a multi-energy system at city quarter level
I Stoyanova, P Matthes, H Harb, C Molitor, M Marin, R Streblow, A Monti, ...
2012 Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG). Proceedings, 1-5, 2012
Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Bed for Home Energy Systems
K Chen, R Streblow, D Müller, C Molitor, A Benigni, A Monti, M Stieneker, ...
Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2012
Dual Demand Side Management: E. ON gGmbH ProjectProject No. 30
A Monti
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2015
Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulationsverfahren für Hausenergiesysteme
K Chen, R Streblow, D Müller, A Benigni, C Molitor, A Monti
Proceedings of the Fourth German-Austrian IBPSA Conference. IBPSA-Germany …, 2012
Power-hardware-in-The-loop test bed for integration of alternative energy sources
C Molitor, X Wu, A Helmedag, A Benigni, A Monti
International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources, 119-134, 2012
Dual Demand Side Management
H Harb, P Matthes, C Molitor, I Stoyanova, H Wolisz, A Monti, D Müller
E. ON ERC, 2015
[IEEE 2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe)-Berlin, Germany (2012.10. 14-2012.10. 17)] 2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …
C Molitor, K Togawa, S Bolte, A Monti
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Articles 1–17