Gyuwan Kim
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient Dialogue State Tracking by Selectively Overwriting Memory
S Kim, S Yang, G Kim, SW Lee
ACL 2020, 2019
AdamP: Slowing Down the Slowdown for Momentum Optimizers on Scale-invariant Weights
B Heo, S Chun, SJ Oh, D Han, S Yun, G Kim, Y Uh, JW Ha
ICLR 2021, 2020
LSTM-Based System-Call Language Modeling and Robust Ensemble Method for Designing Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems
G Kim, H Yi, J Lee, Y Paek, S Yoon
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.01726, 2016
Length-Adaptive Transformer: Train Once with Length Drop, Use Anytime with Search
G Kim, K Cho
ACL 2021, 2020
SSMix: Saliency-Based Span Mixup for Text Classification
S Yoon, G Kim, K Park
Findings of ACL 2021, 2021
ST-BERT: Cross-modal Language Model Pre-training For End-to-end Spoken Language Understanding
M Kim, G Kim, SW Lee, JW Ha
ICASSP 2021, 2020
Two-Stage Textual Knowledge Distillation for End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding
S Kim, G Kim, S Shin, S Lee
ICASSP 2021, 7463-7467, 2021
Consistency Training with Virtual Adversarial Discrete Perturbation
J Park, G Kim, J Kang
NAACL 2022, 2021
Training IBM Watson using Automatically Generated Question-Answer Pairs
J Lee, G Kim, J Yoo, C Jung, M Kim, S Yoon
HICSS 2017, 2016
Towards standardizing Korean Grammatical Error Correction: Datasets and Annotation
S Yoon, S Park, G Kim, J Cho, K Park, GT Kim, M Seo, A Oh
ACL 2023, 2022
Subword Language Model for Query Auto-Completion
G Kim
EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019, 2019
Dynamic-TinyBERT: Boost TinyBERT's Inference Efficiency by Dynamic Sequence Length
S Guskin, M Wasserblat, K Ding, G Kim
ENLSP NeurIPS Workshop 2021, 2021
Mimicry Resilient Program Behavior Modeling with LSTM based Branch Models
H Yi, G Kim, J Lee, S Ahn, Y Lee, S Yoon, Y Paek
IEEE S&P DLS Workshop 2018, 2018
Generalized Steganalysis using Deep Learning
H Kim, J Lee, G Kim, S Yoon
KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices 23 (4), 244-249, 2017
Large Product Key Memory for Pretrained Language Models
G Kim, TH Jung
Findings of EMNLP 2020, 2020
Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)
A Fan, I Gurevych, Y Hou, Z Kozareva, S Luccioni, NS Moosavi, S Ravi, ...
Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language …, 2022
Bridging the Training-Inference Gap for Dense Phrase Retrieval
G Kim, J Lee, B Oguz, W Xiong, Y Zhang, Y Mehdad, WY Wang
Findings of EMNLP 2022, 2022
NASCUP: Nucleic Acid Sequence Classification by Universal Probability
S Kwon, G Kim, B Lee, J Chun, S Yoon, YH Kim
IEEE Access 9, 162779-162791, 2021
Proceedings of The Fourth Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)
NS Moosavi, I Gurevych, Y Hou, G Kim, YJ Kim, T Schuster, A Agrawal
Proceedings of The Fourth Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language …, 2023
LSTM Language Modeling for Intrusion Detection Systems
서울대학교 대학원, 2017
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Articles 1–20