Onno van Tongeren
Onno van Tongeren
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Data analysis in landscape and community ecology
RHG Jongman, CJF Ter Braak, OFR Van Tongeren
Cambridge Uni-versity Press, Cambridge, MA, 1995
Cluster analyses
OFR Van Tongeren
Data analysis in community and landscape ecology, 174-212, 1987
Handboek Hydrobiologie: biologisch onderzoek voor de ecologische beoordeling van Nederlandse zoete en brakke oppervlaktewateren
R Bijkerk, M Beers
Rapport 2014 2, 2010
Data analysis in community and landscape ecology
OFR Van Tongeren, RHG Jongman, CJF Ter Braak, OFR Van Tongeren
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995
Mineralization, pore water chemistry and phosphorus release from peaty sediments in the eutrophic Loosdrecht lakes, The Netherlands
AJC Sinke, AA Cornelese, P Keizer, OFR Van Tongeren, TE Cappenberg
Freshwater Biology 23 (3), 587-599, 1990
Seasonal patterns in the mortality of Daphnia species in a shallow lake
M Boersma, OFR van Tongeren, WM Mooij
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53 (1), 18-28, 1996
Assignment of relevés to pre‐defined classes by supervised clustering of plant communities using a new composite index
O van Tongeren, N Gremmen, S Hennekens
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (4), 525-536, 2008
The dynamics and role of limnetic zooplankton in Loosdrecht lakes (The Netherlands)
RD Gulati, AL Ooms-Wilms, OFR Van Tongeren, G Postema, ...
Hydrobiologia 233, 69-86, 1992
FLEXCLUS, an interactive program for classification and tabulation of ecological data
O Van Tongeren
Acta Botanica Neerlandica 35 (3), 137-142, 1986
Multivariate analysis of the plankton communities in the Loosdrecht lakes: relationship with the chemical and physical environment
OFR Van Tongeren, L Van Liere, RD Gulati, G Postema, ...
Hydrobiologia 233 (1), 105-117, 1992
A spatial simulation model for vegetation dynamics
O van Tongeren, IC Prentice
Vegetatio 65, 163-173, 1986
Impact of trampling on the vegetation of subantarctic Marion Island
NJM Gremmen, VR Smith, OFR van Tongeren
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 35 (4), 442-446, 2003
Growth of 0+ roach (Rutilus rutilus) in relation to temperature and size in a shallow eutrophic lake: comparison of field and laboratory observations
WM Mooij, OFR Tongeren
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47 (5), 960-967, 1990
RHG Jongman, CJF Ter Braak, OFR Van Tongeren
Data analysis in community and landscape ecology, 0
Simulation of heathland vegetation dynamics
IC Prentice, O Van Tongeren, JT De Smidt
The Journal of Ecology, 203-219, 1987
On the determination of optimal levels in phytosociological classification
J Popma, L Mucina, O Van Tongeren, E Van der Maarel
Vegetatio 52, 65-75, 1983
Vegetation development in coastal foredunes in relation to methods of establishing marram grass (Ammophila arenaria)
D Van der Laan, OFR Van Tongeren, WH Van der Putten, G Veenbaas
Journal of Coastal Conservation 3, 179-190, 1997
Use of mesocosms in a shallow eutrophic lake to study the effects of different restoration measures.
E Van Donk, MP Grimm, PGM Heuts, G Blom, K Everards, ...
Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Ergebnisse der Limnologie 40, 283-294, 1994
Growth and reproduction of Rumex maritimus and Chenopodium rubrum under different waterlogging regimes
AJM Van der Sman, OFR Van Tongeren, C Blom
Acta botanica neerlandica 37 (4), 439-450, 1988
An objective method based on assemblages of subfossil plant macro-remains to reconstruct past natural vegetation: a case study at Swifterbant, The Netherlands
M Schepers, JF Scheepens, RTJ Cappers, OFR van Tongeren, ...
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22, 243-255, 2013
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Articles 1–20