Michael C. Horowitz
Michael C. Horowitz
Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
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The Diffusion of Military Power: Causes and Consequences for International Politics
MC Horowitz
Princeton University Press, 2010
How Prior Military Experience Influences The Future Militarized Behavior of Leaders
MC Horowitz, AC Stam
International Organization 68 (3), 2014
Why leaders fight
MC Horowitz, AC Stam, CM Ellis
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Artificial Intelligence, International Competition, and the Balance of Power
MC Horowitz
Texas National Security Review 1 (3 (May)), 2018
When backing down is the right decision: Partisanship, new information, and audience costs
MS Levendusky, MC Horowitz
The Journal of Politics 74 (2), 323-338, 2012
Nonstate actors and the diffusion of innovations: The case of suicide terrorism
MC Horowitz
International Organization 64 (1), 33-64, 2010
The psychology of intelligence analysis: drivers of prediction accuracy in world politics.
B Mellers, E Stone, P Atanasov, N Rohrbaugh, SE Metz, L Ungar, ...
Journal of experimental psychology: applied 21 (1), 1, 2015
Identifying and cultivating superforecasters as a method of improving probabilistic predictions
B Mellers, E Stone, T Murray, A Minster, N Rohrbaugh, M Bishop, E Chen, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 10 (3), 267-281, 2015
Leader age, regime type, and violent international relations
M Horowitz, R McDermott, AC Stam
Journal of Conflict Resolution 49 (5), 661-685, 2005
Gathering strength, gathering storms: The one hundred year study on artificial intelligence (AI100) 2021 study panel report
ML Littman, I Ajunwa, G Berger, C Boutilier, M Currie, F Doshi-Velez, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.15767, 2022
Allying to kill: Terrorist intergroup cooperation and the consequences for lethality
MC Horowitz, PBK Potter
Journal of Conflict Resolution 58 (2), 199-225, 2014
When speed kills: Lethal autonomous weapon systems, deterrence and stability
MC Horowitz
Emerging technologies and international stability, 144-168, 2021
Separating fact from fiction in the debate over drone proliferation
MC Horowitz, SE Kreps, M Fuhrmann
International Security 41 (2), 7-42, 2016
When does aerial bombing work? Quantitative empirical tests, 1917-1999
M Horowitz, D Reiter
Journal of Conflict Resolution 45 (2), 147-173, 2001
Droning on: Explaining the proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles
MC Horowitz, M Fuhrmann
International Organization 71 (2), 397-418, 2017
Long time going: Religion and the duration of crusading
MC Horowitz
International Security 34 (2), 162-193, 2009
Artificial intelligence and international security
MC Horowitz, GC Allen, E Saravalle, A Cho, K Frederick, P Scharre
Center for a New American Security., 2022
The spread of nuclear weapons and international conflict: Does experience matter?
M Horowitz
Journal of Conflict Resolution 53 (2), 234-257, 2009
Strategic competition in an era of artificial intelligence
MC Horowitz, GC Allen, EB Kania, P Scharre
Center for a New American Security., 2022
When leaders matter: Rebel experience and nuclear proliferation
M Fuhrmann, MC Horowitz
The Journal of Politics 77 (1), 72-87, 2015
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Articles 1–20