Nils Kok
Cited by
Cited by
Doing well by doing good? Green office buildings
P Eichholtz, N Kok, JM Quigley
American Economic Review 100 (5), 2492-2509, 2010
Residential energy use and conservation: Economics and demographics
D Brounen, N Kok, JM Quigley
European Economic Review 56 (5), 931-945, 2012
On the economics of energy labels in the housing market
D Brounen, N Kok
Journal of environmental economics and management 62 (2), 166-179, 2011
The economics of green building
P Eichholtz, N Kok, JM Quigley
Review of Economics and Statistics 95 (1), 50-63, 2013
Energy literacy, awareness, and conservation behavior of residential households
D Brounen, N Kok, JM Quigley
Energy Economics 38, 42-50, 2013
Supply, demand and the value of green buildings
A Chegut, P Eichholtz, N Kok
Urban studies 51 (1), 22-43, 2014
Land use regulations and the value of land and housing: An intra-metropolitan analysis
N Kok, P Monkkonen, JM Quigley
Journal of Urban Economics 81, 136-148, 2014
The capitalization of green labels in the California housing market
ME Kahn, N Kok
Regional Science and Urban Economics 47, 25-34, 2014
The impact of energy labels and accessibility on office rents
N Kok, M Jennen
Energy policy 46, 489-497, 2012
Corporate governance and performance: The REIT effect
R Bauer, P Eichholtz, N Kok
Real estate economics 38 (1), 1-29, 2010
The diffusion of energy efficiency in building
N Kok, M McGraw, JM Quigley
American Economic Review 101 (3), 77-82, 2011
Portfolio greenness and the financial performance of REITs
P Eichholtz, N Kok, E Yonder
Journal of International Money and Finance 31 (7), 1911-1929, 2012
Energy efficiency and household behavior: the rebound effect in the residential sector
E Aydin, N Kok, D Brounen
The RAND Journal of Economics 48 (3), 749-782, 2017
Big data in real estate? From manual appraisal to automated valuation
N Kok, EL Koponen, CA Martínez-Barbosa
The Journal of Portfolio Management 43 (6), 202-211, 2017
Green certification and building performance: Implications for tangibles and intangibles
A Devine, N Kok
Journal of Portfolio Management 41 (6), 151-163, 2015
Environmental performance and the cost of debt: Evidence from commercial mortgages and REIT bonds
P Eichholtz, R Holtermans, N Kok, E Yönder
Journal of Banking & Finance 102, 19-32, 2019
The economics of green retrofits
N Kok, N Miller, P Morris
Journal of Sustainable Real Estate 4 (1), 4-22, 2012
Information provision and energy consumption: Evidence from a field experiment
E Aydin, D Brounen, N Kok
Energy Economics 71, 403-410, 2018
The price of innovation: An analysis of the marginal cost of green buildings
A Chegut, P Eichholtz, N Kok
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 98, 102248, 2019
Intermediated investment management in private markets: Evidence from pension fund investments in real estate
A Andonov, P Eichholtz, N Kok
Journal of Financial Markets 22, 73-103, 2015
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Articles 1–20