The difficult transition from clientelism to citizenship: Lessons from Mexico J Fox World Politics 46 (2), 151-184, 1994 | 1535 | 1994 |
The uncertain relationship between transparency and accountability J Fox Development in Practice 17 (4-5), 663-671, 2007 | 1233 | 2007 |
How does civil society thicken? The political construction of social capital in rural Mexico J Fox World Development 24 (6), 1089-1103, 1996 | 1156 | 1996 |
The Struggle for Accountability: The World Bank, NGOs and Grassroots Movements J Fox, LD Brown The World Bank, NGOs, and grassroots movements. Cambridge/London, 1998 | 1078* | 1998 |
Social accountability: What does the evidence really say? JA Fox World Development 72, 346-361, 2015 | 1052 | 2015 |
The Politics of Food in Mexico: State Power and Social Mobilization J Fox Cornell University Press, 1993 | 645 | 1993 |
Accountability Politics: Power and Voice in Rural Mexico J Fox Oxford University Press, 2007 | 497 | 2007 |
Unpacking “transnational citizenship” J Fox Annual Review of Political Science 8, 171-201, 2005 | 477 | 2005 |
Indigenous Mexican Migrants in the United States J Fox, GRS eds.) Center for US-Mexican Studies, UCSD/Center for Comparative Immigration …, 2004 | 360 | 2004 |
Latin America's emerging local politics J Fox Journal of Democracy 5 (2), 105-116, 1994 | 333 | 1994 |
Transforming State-Society Relations in Mexico: The National Solidarity Strategy WA Cornelius, AL Craig, J Fox Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, 1994 | 295 | 1994 |
Demanding Accountability: Civil Society Claims and the World Bank Inspection Panel D Clark, JA Fox, K Treakle Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003 | 232 | 2003 |
Decentralization and Rural Development in Mexico: Community Participation in Oaxaca's Municipal Funds Program JA Fox, J Aranda Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, 1996 | 221 | 1996 |
Democratic rural development: Leadership accountability in regional peasant organizations J Fox Development and Change 23 (2), 1-36, 1992 | 220 | 1992 |
Confronting the Coffee Crisis: Fair Trade, Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mexico and Central America C Bacon, E Mendez, S Gliessman, D Goodman, JA Fox MIT Press, 2008 | 218 | 2008 |
Mexico's difficult democracy: Grassroots movements, NGOs, and local government J Fox, L Hernández Alternatives 17 (2), 165-208, 1992 | 183 | 1992 |
Migrant organization and hometown impacts in rural Mexico J Fox, X Bada Journal of Agrarian Change 8 (2‐3), 435-461, 2008 | 182 | 2008 |
The World Bank and social capital: Lessons from ten rural development projects in the Philippines and Mexico J Fox, J Gershman Policy Sciences 33 (3-4), 399-419, 2000 | 181 | 2000 |
Civil society and political accountability: propositions for discussion J Fox Santa Cruz, University of California (mimeo.), 1-24, 2000 | 170 | 2000 |
Invisible No More: Mexican Migrant Civic Participation in the United States X Bada, JA Fox, S Andrew Wilson Center, Mexico Institute, 2006 | 161 | 2006 |