James Cremer
James Cremer
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Distance perception in real and virtual environments
JM Plumert, JK Kearney, JF Cremer, K Recker
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 2 (3), 216-233, 2005
Children's perception of gap affordances: bicycling across traffic‐filled intersections in an immersive virtual environment
JM Plumert, JK Kearney, JF Cremer
Child development 75 (4), 1243-1253, 2004
How does presentation method and measurement protocol affect distance estimation in real and virtual environments?
TY Grechkin, TD Nguyen, JM Plumert, JF Cremer, JK Kearney
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 7 (4), 1-18, 2010
HCSM: A framework for behavior and scenario control in virtual environments
J Cremer, J Kearney, Y Papelis
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 5 (3), 242-267, 1995
Formulating three-dimensional contact dynamics problems
M Anitescu, JF Cremer, FA Potra
Journal of Structural Mechanics 24 (4), 405-437, 1996
Synchronizing self and object movement: how child and adult cyclists intercept moving gaps in a virtual environment.
BJ Chihak, JM Plumert, CJ Ziemer, S Babu, T Grechkin, JF Cremer, ...
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 36 (6 …, 2010
Changes in children’s perception-action tuning over short time scales: Bicycling across traffic-filled intersections in a virtual environment
JM Plumert, JK Kearney, JF Cremer, KM Recker, J Strutt
Journal of experimental child psychology 108 (2), 322-337, 2011
Estimating distance in real and virtual environments: Does order make a difference?
CJ Ziemer, JM Plumert, JF Cremer, JK Kearney
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 71 (5), 1095-1106, 2009
Gamifying accelerometer use increases physical activity levels of sedentary office workers
AL Gremaud, LJ Carr, JE Simmering, NJ Evans, JF Cremer, AM Segre, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 7 (13), e007735, 2018
Driving simulation: challenges for VR technology
J Cremer, J Kearney, Y Papelis
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 16 (5), 16-20, 1996
Perceiving and acting on complex affordances: how children and adults bicycle across two lanes of opposing traffic.
TY Grechkin, BJ Chihak, JF Cremer, JK Kearney, JM Plumert
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 39 (1), 23, 2013
Children's road crossing: A window into perceptual–motor development
JM Plumert, JK Kearney, JF Cremer
Current Directions in Psychological Science 16 (5), 255-258, 2007
Beyond keyframing: An algorithmic approach to animation
AJ Stewart, JF Cremer
Cornell University, 1991
The effect of automated text messaging and goal setting on pedometer adherence and physical activity in patients with diabetes: a randomized controlled trial
LA Polgreen, C Anthony, L Carr, JE Simmering, NJ Evans, ED Foster, ...
PloS one 13 (5), e0195797, 2018
The architecture of newton, a general-purpose dynamics simulator
JF Cremer, AJ Stewart
1989 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1806, 1807 …, 1989
The software architecture for scenario control in the Iowa driving simulator
J Cremer, J Kearney, Y Papelis, R Romano
Proceedings of the 4th Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral …, 1994
An immersive virtual peer for studying social influences on child cyclists' road-crossing behavior
SV Babu, TY Grechkin, B Chihak, C Ziemer, JK Kearney, JF Cremer, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 17 (1), 14-25, 2010
Real-Time Extendible-Resolution Display of On-line Dynamic Terrain.
Y He, J Cremer, Y Papelis
Graphics Interface, 151-160, 2002
Preadolescent temperament and risky behavior: Bicycling across traffic-filled intersections in a virtual environment
E Stevens, JM Plumert, JF Cremer, JK Kearney
Journal of pediatric psychology 38 (3), 285-295, 2013
Steering behaviors for autonomous vehicles in virtual environments
H Wang, JK Kearney, J Cremer, P Willemsen
IEEE Proceedings. VR 2005. Virtual Reality, 2005., 155-162, 2005
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Articles 1–20