Sumathy Sinnathamby
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Cited by
Field-scale calibration of crop-yield parameters in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
S Sinnathamby, KR Douglas-Mankin, C Craige
Agricultural water management 180, 61-69, 2017
The environmental effects of crop price increases: Nitrogen losses in the US Corn Belt
NP Hendricks, S Sinnathamby, K Douglas-Mankin, A Smith, DA Sumner, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68 (3), 507-526, 2014
Comparison and evaluation of gridded precipitation datasets in a Kansas agricultural watershed using SWAT
ME Muche, S Sinnathamby, R Parmar, CD Knightes, JM Johnston, ...
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 56 (3), 486-506, 2020
Pasture BMP effectiveness using an HRU-based subarea approach in SWAT
AY Sheshukov, KR Douglas-Mankin, S Sinnathamby, P Daggupati
Journal of environmental management 166, 276-284, 2016
A sensitivity analysis of pesticide concentrations in California Central Valley vernal pools
S Sinnathamby, JM Minucci, DL Denton, SM Raimondo, L Oliver, Y Yuan, ...
Environmental Pollution 257, 113486, 2020
Ecohydrological index, native fish, and climate trends and relationships in the Kansas River basin
S Sinnathamby, KR Douglas‐Mankin, ME Muche, SL Hutchinson, ...
Ecohydrology 11 (1), e1909, 2018
Impacts of biofuel-based land-use change on water quality and sustainability in a Kansas watershed
LMW Yasarer, S Sinnathamby, BSM Sturm
Agricultural Water Management 175, 4-14, 2016
A unified approach for protecting listed species and ecosystem services in isolated wetlands using community-level protection goals
S Raimondo, L Sharpe, L Oliver, KR McCaffrey, ST Purucker, ...
Science of the Total Environment 663, 465-478, 2019
Pollinator decline: US agro-socio-economic impacts and responses
S Sinnathamby, Y Assefa, AM Granger, LK Tabor, KR Douglas-Mankin
J Nat Environ Sci 4 (1), 1-13, 2013
Demonstration of an online web services tool incorporating automatic retrieval and comparison of precipitation data
J Sitterson, S Sinnathamby, R Parmar, J Koblich, K Wolfe, CD Knightes
Environmental Modelling & Software 123, 104570, 2020
Modeling tools for ecohydrological characterization
S Sinnathamby
Kansas State University, 2014
Investigating vernal pool fairy shrimp exposure to organophosphate pesticides: Implications for population-level risk assessment
DH Miller, M Etterson, L Oliver, E Paulukonis, N Pollesch, ST Purucker, ...
Ecologies 3 (3), 308-322, 2022
Estimating dermal contact soil exposure for amphibians
ST Purucker, MN Snyder, DA Glinski, RJ Van Meter, K Garber, ...
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 19 (1), 9-16, 2023
Impacts of variability of climate datasets on watershed hydrology under changing climate
J Gao, AY Sheshukov, S Sinnathamby
ASABE 1st Climate Change Symposium: Adaptation and Mitigation Conference …, 2015
A multi-scale approach for identification of potential pesticide use sites impacting vernal pool critical habitat in California
KR McCaffrey, EA Paulukonis, S Raimondo, S Sinnathamby, ST Purucker, ...
Science of The Total Environment 857, 159274, 2023
Curve number development using normalized difference vegetation index for the contiguous United States in hydrologic Micro Services
M Muche, R Parmar, S Sinnathamby, D Smith, JM Johnston
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, H23J-2010, 2019
A probabilistic approach to chronic effects assessments for listed species in a vernal pool case study
L Oliver, S Sinnathamby, S Purucker, S Raimondo
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2024
Endangered Fish Species Distribution in Relation to Historic and Contemporary Water Quality and Quantity
M Muche, S Sinnathamby, JM Johnston
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, H13G-1797, 2018
Sensitivity analysis for pesticide transport in a vernal pool watershed using the Pesticide Water Calculator
S Sinnathamby, D Denton, L Oliver, S Raimondo, A Pitchford, E Waits, ...
Software testing a library and RESTful application programming interface for ecological pesticide risk assessment models
T Purucker, W Eckel, J Flaishans, T Hong, T Hook, A Kanarek, JM Minucci, ...
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Articles 1–20