Nikos Karavas
Nikos Karavas
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Assistance magnitude versus metabolic cost reductions for a tethered multiarticular soft exosuit
BT Quinlivan, S Lee, P Malcolm, DM Rossi, M Grimmer, C Siviy, ...
Science robotics 2 (2), eaah4416, 2017
Reducing the metabolic rate of walking and running with a versatile, portable exosuit
J Kim, G Lee, R Heimgartner, D Arumukhom Revi, N Karavas, ...
Science 365 (6454), 668-672, 2019
Tele-impedance based assistive control for a compliant knee exoskeleton
N Karavas, A Ajoudani, N Tsagarakis, J Saglia, A Bicchi, D Caldwell
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 73, 78-90, 2015
Autonomous multi-joint soft exosuit with augmentation-power-based control parameter tuning reduces energy cost of loaded walking
S Lee, J Kim, L Baker, A Long, N Karavas, N Menard, I Galiana, CJ Walsh
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 15, 1-9, 2018
Tele-impedance based stiffness and motion augmentation for a knee exoskeleton device
N Karavas, A Ajoudani, N Tsagarakis, J Saglia, A Bicchi, D Caldwell
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, 2194-2200, 2013
Improved assistive profile tracking of soft exosuits for walking and jogging with off-board actuation
G Lee, Y Ding, IG Bujanda, N Karavas, YM Zhou, CJ Walsh
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017 IEEE International Conference on …, 2017
Autonomous and portable soft exosuit for hip extension assistance with online walking and running detection algorithm
J Kim, R Heimgartner, G Lee, N Karavas, D Perry, DL Ryan, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5473-5480, 2018
Design, modeling and control of a series elastic actuator for an assistive knee exoskeleton
NC Karavas, NG Tsagarakis, DG Caldwell
2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2012
Metabolic cost adaptations during training with a soft exosuit assisting the hip joint
FA Panizzolo, GM Freisinger, N Karavas, AM Eckert-Erdheim, C Siviy, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9779, 2019
Autonomous multi-joint soft exosuit for assistance with walking overground
S Lee, N Karavas, BT Quinlivan, D LouiseRyan, D Perry, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2812-2819, 2018
Real-time gait metric estimation for everyday gait training with wearable devices in people poststroke
P Arens, C Siviy, J Bae, DK Choe, N Karavas, T Baker, TD Ellis, LN Awad, ...
Wearable technologies 2, e2, 2021
A novel actuator with reconfigurable stiffness for a knee exoskeleton: Design and modeling
NC Karavas, NG Tsagarakis, J Saglia, DG Galdwell
Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots I, 411-421, 2012
Autonomous soft exosuit for hip extension assistance
N Karavas, J Kim, I Galiana, Y Ding, A Couture, D Wagner, ...
Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends: Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2017
Autonomous multi-joint soft exsosuit with online optimization reduces energy cost of loaded walking
S Lee, J Kim, L Baker, A Long, N Karavas, N Menard, I Galiana, CJ Walsh
J. NeuroEng. Rehabil 15 (66), 10.1186, 2018
Human-inspired balancing assistance: Application to a knee exoskeleton
N Karavas, A Ajoudani, N Tsagarakis, D Caldwell
2013 IEEE international conference on robotics and biomimetics (ROBIO), 292-297, 2013
Assistance magnitude versus metabolic cost reductions for a tethered multiarticular soft exosuit. Sci Robot. 2017
BT Quinlivan, S Lee, P Malcolm, DM Rossi, M Grimmer, C Siviy, ...
Optimal human-inspired ankle stiffness regulation for humanoid balancing control
M Mosadeghzad, N Karavas, A Ajoudani, NG Tsagarakis, ...
2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 902-907, 2014
Human-in-the-loop bayesian optimization of a tethered soft exosuit for assisting hip extension
M Kim, Y Ding, C Liu, J Kim, S Lee, N Karavas, C Walsh, S Kuindersma
Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends: Proceedings of the 4th …, 2019
Assisting Limb Advancement During Walking After Stroke Using a Wearable Soft Hip Exosuit: A Proof-of-Concept
F Porciuncula, R Nuckols, N Karavas, CK Chang, TC Baker, D Orzel, ...
Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation III …, 2019
Autonomous soft exosuit with hip extension assistance for overground walking and jogging
D Choe, J Kim, G Lee, N Karavas, N Menard, C Walsh
2017 International Symposium on Wearable Robotics and Rehabilitation (WeRob …, 2017
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Articles 1–20