Stacy Anne Harwood
Stacy Anne Harwood
Department of City & Metropolitan Planning, University of Utah
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Coping with Gendered Racial Microaggressions Among Black Woman College Students
JA Lewis, R Mendenhall, S Harwood, MB Huntt
Journal of African American Studies 17 (1), 51-73, 2012
Racial microaggressions in the residence halls: Experiences of students of color at a predominantly White university.
SA Harwood, MB Huntt, R Mendenhall, JA Lewis
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 5 (3), 159, 2012
“Ain’t I a woman?” Perceived gendered racial microaggressions experienced by Black women
JA Lewis, R Mendenhall, SA Harwood, M Browne Huntt
The Counseling Psychologist 44 (5), 758-780, 2016
Racial Microaggressions and Sense of Belonging at a Historically White University
MBH Jioni A. Lewis, Ruby Mendenhall, Ashley Ojiemwen, Merin Thomas, Cameron ...
American Behavioral Scientist, 2019
“If you aren’t White, Asian or Indian, you aren’t an engineer”: racial microaggressions in STEM education
MJ Lee, JD Collins, SA Harwood, R Mendenhall, MB Huntt
International Journal of STEM Education 7, 1-16, 2020
Asian International Student and Asian American Student: Mistaken Identity and Racial Microaggressions
HJT Yeo, R Mendenhall, SA Harwood, MB Huntt
Journal of International Students 9 (1), 44-70, 2019
Everyday Racism in Integrated Spaces: Mapping the Experiences of Students of Color at a Diversifying Predominantly White Institution
SA Harwood, R Mendenhall, SS Lee, C Riopelle, MB Huntt
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (5), 1245-1259, 2018
Racial microaggressions at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Voices of students of color in the classroom
SA Harwood, S Choi, M Orozco Villicaņa, MB Huntt, R Mendenhall
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015
Struggling to embrace difference in land-use decision making in multicultural communities
Stacy Anne Harwood Assistant Professor
Planning, Practice & Research 20 (4), 355-371, 2005
Is ethnic identity a buffer? Exploring the relations between racial microaggressions and depressive symptoms among Asian-American individuals
S Choi, JA Lewis, S Harwood, R Mendenhall, MB Huntt
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work 26 (1-2), 18-29, 2017
The contribution of environmental amenities to low-income housing: A comparative study of Bangkok and Jakarta
R Crane, A Daniere, S Harwood
Urban Studies 34 (9), 1495-1512, 1997
The Dynamics of Immigration and Local Governance in Santa Ana:Neighborhood Activism, Overcrowding, and Land-Use Policy
S Harwood, D Myers
Policy Studies Journal 30 (1), 70-91, 2002
Environmental justice on the streets: advocacy planning as a tool to contest environmental racism
SA Harwood
Journal of Planning Education and Research 23 (1), 24-38, 2003
Making Homes Unhomely: The Politics of Displacement in a Gentrifying Neighborhood in Chicago
E Huq, S Harwood
City & Community 18 (2), 710-731, 2019
Sense of belonging, racial microaggressions, and depressive symptoms among students of Asian descent in the United States
S Choi, S Weng, H Park, J Lewis, SA Harwood, R Mendenhall, MB Huntt
Smith College Studies in Social Work 91 (2), 115-141, 2021
Cross-cultural learning and study abroad: Transforming pedagogical outcomes
DN Myers, M Hill, SA Harwood
Landscape Journal 24 (2), 172-184, 2005
Teaching equity and advocacy planning in a multicultural “post-racial” world
W Lung-Amam, SA Harwood, GF Sandoval, S Sen
Journal of Planning Education and Research 35 (3), 337-342, 2015
Geographies of opportunity for whom? Neighborhood improvement programs as regulators of neighborhood activism
S Harwood
Journal of Planning Education and Research 26 (3), 261-271, 2007
Immigrant-Friendly Community Plans: Rustbelt Efforts to Attract and Retain Immigrants
SA Harwood, SS Lee
Cities and the Politics of Difference: Multiculturalism and Diversity in …, 2015
Racial microaggressions at the university of illinois at urbana-champaign: Voices of students of color living in university housing
SA Harwood, MB Huntt, R Mendenhall
Center for Democracy in a Multiracial Society, 2010
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Articles 1–20