Nicholas Benson
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Cited by
Independent examination of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV): what does the WAIS-IV measure?
N Benson, DM Hulac, JH Kranzler
Psychological assessment 22 (1), 121, 2010
Test use and assessment practices of school psychologists in the United States: Findings from the 2017 National Survey
NF Benson, RG Floyd, JH Kranzler, TL Eckert, SA Fefer, GB Morgan
Journal of School Psychology 72, 29-48, 2019
Reading comprehension and metacognition: The importance of inferential skills
C Soto, AP Gutiérrez de Blume, M Jacovina, D McNamara, N Benson, ...
Cogent Education 6 (1), 1565067, 2019
A national survey of school psychologists’ practices in identifying specific learning disabilities.
NF Benson, KE Maki, RG Floyd, TL Eckert, JH Kranzler, SA Fefer
School psychology 35 (2), 146, 2020
Cattell—Horn—Carroll cognitive abilities and reading achievement
N Benson
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 26 (1), 27-41, 2008
The use of group contingencies for preventing and managing disruptive behaviors
DM Hulac, N Benson
Intervention in School and Clinic 45 (4), 257-262, 2010
Conducting psychoeducational assessments during the COVID-19 crisis: The danger of good intentions
RL Farmer, RJ McGill, SC Dombrowski, NF Benson, S Smith-Kellen, ...
Contemporary School Psychology 25 (1), 27-32, 2021
Classification agreement analysis of cross-battery assessment in the identification of specific learning disorders in children and youth
JH Kranzler, RG Floyd, N Benson, B Zaboski, L Thibodaux
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 4 (3), 124-136, 2016
Teleassessment with children and adolescents during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and beyond: Practice and policy implications.
RL Farmer, RJ McGill, SC Dombrowski, MB McClain, B Harris, ...
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 51 (5), 477, 2020
A misuse of IQ scores: Using the dual discrepancy/consistency model for identifying specific learning disabilities
AA Beaujean, NF Benson, RJ McGill, SC Dombrowski
Journal of Intelligence 6 (3), 36, 2018
Examining the integrity of measurement of cognitive abilities in the prediction of achievement: Comparisons and contrasts across variables from higher-order and bifactor models
NF Benson, JH Kranzler, RG Floyd
Journal of School Psychology 58, 1-19, 2016
Assessment of teacher candidate dispositions: Evidence of reliability and validity
H Choi, NF Benson, NJ Shudak
Teacher Education Quarterly 43 (3), 71-89, 2016
Using estimated factor scores from a bifactor analysis to examine the unique effects of the latent variables measured by the WAIS-IV on academic achievement.
JH Kranzler, N Benson, RG Floyd
Psychological Assessment 27 (4), 1402, 2015
Cross-Battery Assessment pattern of strengths and weaknesses approach to the identification of specific learning disorders: Evidence-based practice or pseudoscience?
RG Kranzler, John H., Floyd, N Benson, B Zaboski, L Thibodaux
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 4 (3), 146-157, 2016
Revisiting Carroll’s survey of factor-analytic studies: Implications for the clinical assessment of intelligence.
NF Benson, AA Beaujean, RJ McGill, SC Dombrowski
Psychological Assessment 30 (8), 1028, 2018
How do school psychologists interpret intelligence tests for the identification of specific learning disabilities?
JH Kranzler, KE Maki, NF Benson, TL Eckert, RG Floyd, SA Fefer
Contemporary School Psychology 24 (4), 445-456, 2020
Adult temperament styles: a network analysis of their relationships with the Big Five Personality Model
SM Wechsler, N Benson, WLW de Lara, C Maria, A Bachert, EF Gums
European Journal of Education and Psychology 11 (1), 61-75, 2018
The one and the many: Enduring legacies of Spearman and Thurstone on intelligence test score interpretation
AA Beaujean, NF Benson
Applied Measurement in Education 32 (3), 198-215, 2019
A four-factor social support model to mediate stressors experienced by children raised by grandparents
OW Edwards, NF Benson
Journal of Applied School Psychology 26 (1), 54-69, 2010
Can students run their own interventions?: A self‐administered math fluency intervention
DM Hulac, K Dejong, N Benson
Psychology in the Schools 49 (6), 526-538, 2012
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Articles 1–20