Santiago Caballero
Cited by
Cited by
Visualization of civil infrastructure emphasizing geomaterial characterization and performance
AJ Puppala, SSC Congress, TV Bheemasetti, SR Caballero
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (10), 04018236, 2018
Sustainable slope stabilization using biopolymer-reinforced soil
S Caballero, R Acharya, A Banerjee, TV Bheemasetti, A Puppala, U Patil
Geo-Chicago 2016, 116-126, 2016
The geotechnical aspects of the September 3, 2016 M5. 8 Pawnee, Oklahoma earthquake
P Clayton, G Zalachoris, E Rathje, T Bheemasetti, S Caballero, X Yu, ...
Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Association,< http://www …, 2016
Geotechnical data visualization and modeling of civil infrastructure projects
AJ Puppala, SSC Congress, TV Bheemasetti, S Caballero
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Transportation …, 2018
Experimental model of rainfall induced slope failure in compacted clays
B Tiwari, S Caballero
IFCEE 2015, 1217 - 1226, 2015
Geotechnical visualization and three-dimensional geostatistics modeling of highly variable soils of a hydraulic fill dam
SR Caballero, TV Bheemasetti, AJ Puppala, S Chakraborty
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 148 (11), 05022006, 2022
A Comprehensive Resilience Framework for The Seismic Evaluation of Hydraulic Fill Dams In North Texas
S Caballero
Three-dimensional visualization model of the Eagle Mountain Dam using cone penetration test data based on geostatistics
SR Caballero, TV Bheemasetti, AJ Puppala, L Verreault, D Koterba
Geotechnical Frontiers 2017, 623-630, 2017
How rainfall and earthquake trigger shallow landslides-experimental and numerical studies on laboratory prepared slopes
B Tiwari, K Kawai, S Caballero, P Viradeth
International Journal of Landslide and Environment 1 (1), 109-110, 2013
Experimental model of rainfall induced slope failures in compacted clays
S Caballero
California State University, Fullerton, 2014
Experimental modelling for the effect of rainfall and earthquake on slope stability of engineered fill
B Tiwari, S Caballero, W Zalzali
Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment: Volume 2: Methods of Landslide …, 2014
Geomaterial Characterization and Stability Assessment of Hydraulic Fill Dams
S Chakraborty, TV Bheemasetti, AJ Puppala, JT Das, SRC Olmedo
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020
Kriging and Visualization
T Bheemasetti, S Caballero, AJ Puppala
GeoStrata Magazine Archive 26 (6), 36-43, 2022
Geotechnical Data Visualization and Modeling of Civil Infrastructure Projects
S Caballero
Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Transportation …, 2018
Effect of post-earthquake rainfall in triggering landslides Effet des précipitations après le séisme dans le déclenchement des glissements de terrain
B Tiwari, B Ajmera, D Tran, S Caballero
Interpretation of a Subsurface Soil Profile Using a Limited Data Set and Geostatistics
TV Bheemasetti, A Pedarla, H Zou, SR Caballero, AJ Puppala
Geo-Chicago 2016, 560-570, 2016
Evaluation of stationarity and selection of appropriate transformation for geostatistical modeling of geotechnical projects
TV Bheemasetti, AJ Puppala, A Pedarla, R Acharya, SR Caballero
Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, 559-566, 2015
Manual para construcción de túneles tanto viales como de conducción a gravedad
S Caballero
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, 2011
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Articles 1–18