Tania Salerno
Cited by
Cited by
Inquiring into the political economy of oil palm as a global flex crop
A Alonso-Fradejas, J Liu, T Salerno, Y Xu
The Journal of Peasant Studies 43 (1), 141-165, 2016
Smallholder bargaining power in large-scale land deals: a relational perspective
R Rutten, L Bakker, ML Alano, T Salerno, LA Savitri, M Shohibuddin
De-centring Land Grabbing, 194-220, 2019
Cargill’s corporate growth in times of crises: How agro-commodity traders are increasing profits in the midst of volatility
T Salerno
Agriculture and human values 34, 211-222, 2017
Capitalising on the financialisation of agriculture: Cargill’s land investment techniques in the Philippines
T Salerno
Third World Quarterly 35 (9), 1709-1727, 2014
Transnational land deals in Mindanao: Situating ambivalent farmer responses in local politics
T Salerno
International Conference on Global Land Grabbing, 6-8, 2011
The political economy of oil palm as a flex crop and its implications for transnational advocacy and campaignings: a preliminary discussion
A Alonso-Fradejas, J Liu, T Salerno, Y Xu
Transnational Institute (TNI) Agrarian Justice Program Think piece series on …, 2015
Capitalising on the financialisation of agriculture: Cargill’s private equity-driven land acquisition in the Philippines
T Salerno
Third World Quarterly 35 (9), 1709-1727, 2014
Land deals, joint investments and peasants in Mindanao, Philippines
T Salerno
Research paper, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, 2010
The politics of land deals: Cargill’s acquisition agendas in Indonesia and the Philippines
TN Salerno
Smallholder Bargaining Power in Large-Scale Land Deals: A Relational Perspective (Indonesia and the Philippines)
R Rutten, L Bakker, L Alano, T Salerno, L Savitri, M Shohibuddin
Land grabbing, conflict and agrarian-‐environmental transformations …, 2015
Cargill’s land deal strategies in Indonesia and the Philippines compared: alliances, elites, and capital accumulation
T Salerno
Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations …, 2015
United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Philippines “Production Partnership”: The Role of Policies in Corporate Land Acquisitions
T Salerno
An Exercise in World making, 2010
Found in
Y Xu, J Borras, J Franco, SR Isakson, L Levidow, P Vervest, ...
Policy, 2021
Found in
J Borras, J Franco, CMY Park, M Barbesgaard, Y Sekine, YL Myint, T Zin
Policy, 2019
Financialization of the Global Food System and its Implications for Local Land Investments
T Salerno
Focus on the Global South: Policy Review 1 (6), 2015
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Articles 1–15