Leigh Ann Von Hagen, AICP, PP
Leigh Ann Von Hagen, AICP, PP
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Fishing in Urban New Jersey: Ethnicity Affects Information Sources, Pe ception, and Compliance
J Burger, KK Pflugh, L Lurig, LA Von Hagen, S Von Hagen
Risk Analysis 19 (2), 217-229, 1999
Urban anglers' perception of risk from contaminated fish
KK Pflugh, L Lurig, LA Von Hagen, S Von Hagen, J Burger
Science of the Total Environment 228 (2-3), 203-218, 1999
Teaching children about bicycle safety: an evaluation of the New Jersey Bike School program
U Lachapelle, RB Noland, LA Von Hagen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 52, 237-249, 2013
A mode choice analysis of school trips in New Jersey
RB Noland, H Park, LA Von Hagen, DG Chatman
Journal of Transport and land use 7 (2), 111-133, 2014
Stranger danger, cell phones, traffic, and active travel to and from schools: perceptions of parents and children
SM Sweeney, LA Von Hagen
Transportation research record 2582 (1), 1-7, 2016
Middle School Students' Perceptions of Safety: A Mixed‐Methods Study
SM Sweeney, LA Von Hagen
Journal of school health 85 (10), 688-696, 2015
The evolution of school siting and its implications for active transportation in New Jersey
D Deka, LA Von Hagen
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 9 (8), 602-611, 2015
Cycling during and after COVID: has there been a boom in activity?
H Younes, RB Noland, LA Von Hagen, J Sinclair
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 99, 71-82, 2023
Pedestrian-and bicyclist-involved crashes: Associations with spatial factors, pedestrian infrastructure, and equity impacts
H Younes, RB Noland, LA Von Hagen, S Meehan
Journal of safety research 86, 137-147, 2023
Working from home and walking during and after COVID
H Younes, RB Noland, LA Von Hagen, J Sinclair
Findings, 2023
Will parents let their children bike on “low stress” streets? Validating level of traffic stress for biking
K Ralph, LA Von Hagen
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 65, 280-291, 2019
Pilot Demonstration to Enhance Road User Safety in Asbury Park, NJ
H Younes, LA Von Hagen, W Zhang, RB Noland, J Gong, D Zhang, ...
103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2023
Delays, detours, and diversions: paths to fully executed Safe Routes to School projects
S DiPetrillo, LA Von Hagen, S Malone, S Meehan, G Shivaraman
Transportation research record 2653 (1), 17-25, 2017
The Traffic Calming Effect of Delineated Bicycle Lanes
H Younes, C Andrews, RB Noland, J Xia, S Wen, W Zhang, D Metaxas, ...
Journal of Urban Mobility 5, 100071, 2024
Are E-Scooter Users More Seriously Injured than E-Bike Users and Bicyclists
H Younes, R Noland, LA Von Hagen
The role of crossing guards and child pedestrian safety in New Jersey
C Bull, LA Von Hagen, AMVT Center
School Location, Year Built and Youth Pedestrian Crashes: Safety Around Schools in New Jersey
LA Von Hagen, M Johnston, T Sanchez, AMVT Center
Journal of Urban Mobility
H Younes, C Andrews, RB Noland, J Xia, S Wen, W Zhang, D Metaxas, ...
Journal of Urban Mobility 5, 100071, 2024
A Health Approach to Municipal Decision-Making: The Gold Star in Health
L Skowronski, K Lowrie, LA Von Hagen
Chronicles of Health Impact Assessment 6 (1), 20-24, 2021
The New Jersey Draft Energy Master Plan: Opportunities to Integrate Health and Health Equity
KW Lowrie, LA Von Hagen
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Articles 1–20