William Koskinen
William Koskinen
Adj. Professor, University of Minnesota
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Impacts of woodchip biochar additions on greenhouse gas production and sorption/degradation of two herbicides in a Minnesota soil
KA Spokas, WC Koskinen, JM Baker, DC Reicosky
Chemosphere 77 (4), 574-581, 2009
The retention process: mechanisms
WC Koskinen, SS Harper
Pesticides in the soil environment: processes, impacts and modeling 2, 51-77, 1990
Atrazine desorption from smectites
E Barriuso, DA Laird, WC Koskinen, RH Dowdy
Soil Science Society of America Journal 58 (6), 1632-1638, 1994
Glyphosate effects on plant mineral nutrition, crop rhizosphere microbiota, and plant disease in glyphosate-resistant crops
SO Duke, J Lydon, WC Koskinen, TB Moorman, RL Chaney, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 60 (42), 10375-10397, 2012
Adsorption of atrazine on smectites
DA Laird, E Barriuso, RH Dowdy, WC Koskinen
Soil Science Society of America Journal 56 (1), 62-67, 1992
Sorption− desorption of imidacloprid and its metabolites in soils
L Cox, WC Koskinen, PY Yen
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45 (4), 1468-1472, 1997
Sorption of atrazine on soil clay components
DA Laird, PY Yen, WC Koskinen, TR Steinheimer, RH Dowdy
Environmental science & technology 28 (6), 1054-1061, 1994
Sorption and leaching potential of herbicides on Brazilian soils
RS Oliveira Jr, WC Koskinen, FA Ferreira
Weed Research 41 (2), 97-110, 2001
Environmental fate of two sulfonamide antimicrobial agents in soil
C Accinelli, WC Koskinen, JM Becker, MJ Sadowsky
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 (7), 2677-2682, 2007
Sources and transport of contaminants of emerging concern: a two-year study of occurrence and spatiotemporal variation in a mixed land use watershed
DJ Fairbairn, ME Karpuzcu, WA Arnold, BL Barber, EF Kaufenberg, ...
Science of the Total Environment 551, 605-613, 2016
Influence of biochar amendments on the sorption–desorption of aminocyclopyrachlor, bentazone and pyraclostrobin pesticides to an agricultural soil
A Cabrera, L Cox, K Spokas, MC Hermosín, J Cornejo, WC Koskinen
Science of the total environment 470, 438-443, 2014
Comparative sorption and leaching study of the herbicides fluometuron and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) in a soil amended with biochars and other sorbents
A Cabrera, L Cox, KA Spokas, R Celis, MC Hermosín, J Cornejo, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (23), 12550-12560, 2011
Biodegradation of imidacloprid by an isolated soil microorganism
JC Anhalt, TB Moorman, WC Koskinen
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 42 (5), 509-514, 2007
Weed control in conservation tillage
WC Koskinen, CG McWhorter
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 41 (6), 365-370, 1986
Evaluation of accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) for analysis of pesticide residues in soil
J Gan, SK Papiernik, WC Koskinen, SR Yates
Environmental science & technology 33 (18), 3249-3253, 1999
Sorption of imidacloprid on soil clay mineral and organic components
L Cox, WC Koskinen, R Celis, MC Hermosin, J Cornejo, PY Yen
Soil Science Society of America Journal 62 (4), 911-915, 1998
Sorption‐desorption of atrazine and simazine by model soil colloidal components
R Celis, J Cornejo, MC Hermosin, WC Koskinen
Soil science society of America journal 61 (2), 436-443, 1997
Atrazine and alachlor losses from subsurface tile drainage of a clay loam soil
DD Buhler, GW Randall, WC Koskinen, DL Wyse
Journal of Environmental Quality 22 (3), 583-588, 1993
Adsorption and desorption of atrazine, hydroxyatrazine, and s-glutathione atrazine on two soils
SA Clay, WC Koskinen
Weed Science 38 (3), 262-266, 1990
Influence of soil biochar aging on sorption of the herbicides MCPA, nicosulfuron, terbuthylazine, indaziflam, and fluoroethyldiaminotriazine
C Trigo, KA Spokas, L Cox, WC Koskinen
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62 (45), 10855-10860, 2014
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Articles 1–20