Navamita Ray
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Cited by
AHF: Array-based half-facet data structure for mixeddimensional and non-manifold meshes
TJT Dyedov, Vladimir, Navamita Ray, Daniel Einstein, Xiangmin Jiao
Proceedings of the 22nd International Meshing Roundtable, 445-464, 2014
Surface mesh optimization, adaption, and untangling with high-order accuracy
B Clark, N Ray, X Jiao
Proceedings of the 21st international meshing roundtable, 385-402, 2013
Towards solving the Navier-Stokes equation on quantum computers
N Ray, T Banerjee, B Nadiga, S Karra
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.09033, 2019
High-order numerical integration over discrete surfaces
N Ray, D Wang, X Jiao, J Glimm
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 50 (6), 3061-3083, 2012
Development of a front tracking method for two-phase micromixing of incompressible viscous fluids with interfacial tension in solvent extraction
Y Zhou, HK Lim, VF de Almeida, R Navamita, S Wang, JG Glimm, X Li, ...
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2012
Compact feature-aware Hermite-style high-order surface reconstruction
Y Li, X Zhao, N Ray, X Jiao
Engineering with Computers 37 (1), 187-210, 2021
Surface remeshing with robust high-order reconstruction
N Ray, T Delaney, DR Einstein, X Jiao
Engineering with Computers, 1-16, 2014
Conformal and non-conformal adaptive mesh refinement with hierarchical array-based half-facet data structures
X Zhao, R Conley, N Ray, VS Mahadevan, X Jiao
Procedia Engineering 124, 304-316, 2015
On the viability of quantum annealers to solve fluid flows
N Ray, T Banerjee, B Nadiga, S Karra
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 8, 906696, 2022
Array-based, parallel hierarchical mesh refinement algorithms for unstructured meshes
N Ray, I Grindeanu, X Zhao, V Mahadevan, X Jiao
Computer-Aided Design 85, 68-82, 2017
Array-based hierarchical mesh generation in parallel
N Ray, I Grindeanu, X Zhao, V Mahadevan, X Jiao
Procedia Engineering 124, 291-303, 2015
Portage: A modular data remap library for multiphysics applications on advanced architectures
AM Herring, CR Ferenbaugh, CM Malone, DW Shevitz, E Kikinzon, ...
Journal of Open Research Software 9 (LA-UR-20-24654), 2021
High-order surface reconstruction and its applications to surface integrals and surface remeshing
N Ray
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2013
Multi-material swept face remapping on polyhedral meshes
J Velechovsky, E Kikinzon, N Ray, H Rakotoarivelo, A Herring, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 469, 111553, 2022
FleCSI 2.0: The Flexible Computational Science Infrastructure Project
B Bergen, I Demeshko, C Ferenbaugh, D Herring, LT Lo, J Loiseau, ...
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 480-495, 2021
Reinforcement learning for block decomposition of planar CAD models
BC DiPrete, R Garimella, CG Cardona, N Ray
Engineering with Computers, 1-11, 2024
Reinforcement Learning for Block Decomposition of CAD Models
BC DiPrete, RV Garimella, CG Cardona, N Ray
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.11066, 2023
SIGMA release v1. 2-capabilities, enhancements and fixes
V Mahadevan, IR Grindeanu, N Ray, R Jain, D Wu
Argonne National Lab.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States), 2015
Efficient KD-Tree Based Mesh Redistribution for Data Remapping Algorithms
N Ray, D Shevitz, Y Li, R Garimella, A Herring, E Kikinzon, K Lipnikov, ...
International Meshing Roundtable, 25-41, 2023
Conservative remapping of material-dependent fields between possibly misaligned material regions
H Rakotoarivelo, R Garimella, A Herring, M Shashkov, D Shevitz, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 466, 111401, 2022
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Articles 1–20