Nicholas A. Bowman
Nicholas A. Bowman
Petersen Chair in Higher Education, Professor, & CRUE Director, University of Iowa
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How college affects students (Vol. 3): 21st century evidence that higher education works
MJ Mayhew, AN Rockenbach, NA Bowman, TA Seifert, GC Wolniak, ...
Jossey-Bass, 2016
Extending notions of campus climate and diversity to students' transition to college
AM Locks, S Hurtado, NA Bowman, L Oseguera
The Review of Higher Education 31 (3), 257-285, 2008
College diversity experiences and cognitive development: A meta-analysis
NA Bowman
Review of Educational Research 80 (1), 4-33, 2010
The development of psychological well-being among first-year college students
NA Bowman
Journal of college student development 51 (2), 180-200, 2010
Promoting participation in a diverse democracy: A meta-analysis of college diversity experiences and civic engagement
NA Bowman
Review of Educational Research 81 (1), 29-68, 2011
Keep on truckin’or stay the course? Exploring grit dimensions as differential predictors of educational achievement, satisfaction, and intentions
NA Bowman, PL Hill, N Denson, R Bronkema
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (6), 639-645, 2015
Getting on the Front Page: Organizational Reputation, Status Signals, and the Impact of U.S. News and World Report on Student Decisions
NA Bowman, MN Bastedo
Research in Higher Education 50, 415-436, 2009
Anchoring effects in world university rankings: Exploring biases in reputation scores
NA Bowman, MN Bastedo
Higher Education in the Global Age, 271-287, 2013
U.S. News & World Report College Rankings: Modeling Institutional Effects on Organizational Reputation
MN Bastedo, NA Bowman
American Journal of Education 116 (2), 163-183, 2010
Can 1st-year college students accurately report their learning and development?
NA Bowman
American Educational Research Journal 47 (2), 466-496, 2010
College rankings as an interorganizational dependency: Establishing the foundation for strategic and institutional accounts
MN Bastedo, NA Bowman
Research in higher education 52, 3-23, 2011
Disequilibrium and resolution: The nonlinear effects of diversity courses on well-being and orientations toward diversity
NA Bowman
The Review of Higher Education 33 (4), 543-568, 2010
College diversity courses and cognitive development among students from privileged and marginalized groups.
NA Bowman
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 2 (3), 182, 2009
Serving in college, flourishing in adulthood: Does community engagement during the college years predict adult well‐being?
N Bowman, J Brandenberger, D Lapsley, P Hill, J Quaranto
Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 2 (1), 14-34, 2010
What are we talking about when we talk about holistic review? Selective college admissions and its effects on low-SES students
MN Bastedo, NA Bowman, KM Glasener, JL Kelly
The Journal of Higher Education 89 (5), 782-805, 2018
Experiencing the unexpected: Toward a model of college diversity experiences and attitude change
NA Bowman, JW Brandenberger
The Review of Higher Education 35 (2), 179-205, 2012
University diversity and preparation for a global society: The role of diversity in shaping intergroup attitudes and civic outcomes
N Denson, N Bowman
Studies in Higher Education 38 (4), 555-570, 2013
How much diversity is enough? The curvilinear relationship between college diversity interactions and first-year student outcomes
NA Bowman
Research in Higher Education 54, 874-894, 2013
Does socioeconomic diversity make a difference? Examining the effects of racial and socioeconomic diversity on the campus climate for diversity
JJ Park, N Denson, NA Bowman
American Educational Research Journal 50 (3), 466-496, 2013
Do college students who identify with a privileged religion experience greater spiritual development? Exploring individual and institutional dynamics
NA Bowman, JL Small
Research in Higher Education 51, 595-614, 2010
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Articles 1–20