Ting Xia
Ting Xia
Canon Medical Research Institute
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Translation and scale invariants of Tchebichef moments
H Zhu, H Shu, T Xia, L Luo, JL Coatrieux
Pattern recognition 40 (9), 2530-2542, 2007
Ultra-Low Dose CT Attenuation Correction for PET/CT
T Xia, AM Alessio, BD Man, R Manjeshwar, E Asma, PE Kinahan
Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) Annual Meeting, Vol.52, 2011
Image description with generalized pseudo-Zernike moments
T Xia, H Zhu, H Shu, P Haigron, L Luo
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 24 (1), 50-59, 2006
Dual energy CT for attenuation correction with PET/CT
T Xia, AM Alessio, PE Kinahan
Medical physics 41 (1), 012501, 2014
Limits of ultra-low dose CT attenuation correction for PET/CT
T Xia, AM Alessio, PE Kinahan
2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 3074-3079, 2009
Apparatus and method for correcting bias in low-count computed tomography projection data
T Xia, J Zhou, Z Yu
US Patent 10,621,756, 2020
Quantitative comparison of anisotropic diffusion, non-local means and Gaussian post-filtering effects on FDG-PET lesions
T Xia, W Qi, X Niu, E Asma, M Winkler, W Wang
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 56 (supplement 3), 1797-1797, 2015
A non-local means post-filter with spatially adaptive filtering strength for whole-body PET
W Qi, T Xia, X Niu, C Ji, M Winkler, E Asma, W Wang
2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC …, 2015
Noise and bias properties of monoenergetic images from DECT used for attenuation correction with PET/CT and SPECT/CT
T Xia, AM Alessio, PE Kinahan
Medical Imaging 2010: Physics of Medical Imaging 7622, 710-717, 2010
A new algorithm for fast computation of Pseudo-Zernike moments
X Ting, Z Wei-ping, L Song-yi, S Hua-zhong
Chinese Journal of Electronics 33 (7), 1295-1298, 2005
PET Image Reconstruction Using Mumford-Shah Regularization Coupled with L1Data Fitting
J Zhou, H Shu, T Xia, L Luo
2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 1905-1908, 2006
Apparatus and method for artifact detection and correction using deep learning
H Ilmar, Z Yu, T Xia
US Patent 11,100,684, 2021
Investigation of phase and amplitude respiratory gating for whole-body FDG-PET with different respiratory waveform patterns
W Qi, S Ponce, T Xia, M Teshigwara, T Kawano, M Ogawa, E Asma, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 57 (supplement 2), 1892-1892, 2016
Patient-dependent count-rate adaptive normalization for PET detector efficiency with delayed-window coincidence events
X Niu, H Ye, T Xia, E Asma, M Winkler, D Gagnon, W Wang
Physics in Medicine & Biology 60 (13), 5241, 2015
Spectral Shaping for Ultra-Low Dose CT Attenuation Correction in PET/CT
T Xia, AM Alessio, PE Kinahan
The First International Meeting on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, 2010
Comparison of Two Projectors with Image-Based Resolution Models in a Fully 3D List-Mode PET Reconstructions
H Ye, X Niu, C Ji, T Xia, E Asma, M Winkler, W Wang, D Gagnon
IEEE medical imaging conference (IEEE NSS/MIC), 2014
A Novel Algorithm for Fast Computation of Pseudo-Zemike Moments
T Xia, WP Zhou, SY Li, HZ Shu
Dianzi Xuebao(Acta Electronica Sinica) 33 (7), 1295-1298, 2005
Fast and Accurate Detector Module Crystal Blur and Mis-position Error Modeling for PET Imaging
T Xia, H Du, W Wang, K Burr, J Zhou, K Bal, H Ye, X Niu, C Ji, E Asma, ...
Proceedings of IEEE medical imaging conference (IEEE NSS/MIC), 2014
Impacts of reduction of CT radiation dose on PET in PET/CT imaging
T Xia, W Wang, C Ji, X Niu, H Ye, M Winkler, M Teshigawara, Y Noshi, ...
2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS …, 2013
Knowledge distillation for fast ultrasound harmonic imaging
T Xia, J Zhou, L Cai, Z Yu, T Imamura, R Iwasaki, H Takahashi
US Patent App. 18/361,238, 2024
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Articles 1–20