Mani Nepal
Mani Nepal
Program Coordinator SANDEE and Lead Economist, ICIMOD
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Cited by
Opportunity, democracy, and the exchange of political violence: A subnational analysis of conflict in Nepal
AK Bohara, NJ Mitchell, M Nepal
Journal of conflict resolution 50 (1), 108-128, 2006
WG III contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report
IPCC AR6 WGIII Report 6 (III), 2022
More inequality, more killings: The Maoist insurgency in Nepal
M Nepal, AK Bohara, K Gawande
American Journal of Political Science 55 (4), 886-906, 2011
Unbelievable but improved cookstoves are not helpful in reducing firewood demand in Nepal
M Nepal, A Nepal, K Grimsrud
Environment and Development Economics 16 (1), 1-23, 2011
Adapting to urban flooding: a case of two cities in South Asia
IA Pervin, SMM Rahman, M Nepal, AKE Haque, H Karim, G Dhakal
Water Policy 22 (S1), 162-188, 2020
Improving municipal solid waste collection services in developing countries: A case of Bharatpur Metropolitan City, Nepal
RK Rai, M Nepal, MS Khadayat, B Bhardwaj
Sustainability 11 (11), 3010, 2019
Human rights violations, corruption, and the policy of repression
AK Bohara, NJ Mitchell, M Nepal, N Raheem
Policy Studies Journal 36 (1), 1-18, 2008
What makes a ban on plastic bags effective? The case of Nepal
B Bharadwaj, JM Baland, M Nepal
Environment and Development Economics 25 (2), 95-114, 2020
The impact of climate change on rice production in Nepal
PK Karn
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2014
The impacts of social networks and household forest conservation efforts in rural Nepal
M Nepal, AK Bohara, RP Berrens
Land Economics 83 (2), 174-191, 2007
Low-cost strategies to improve municipal solid waste management in developing countries: experimental evidence from Nepal
M Nepal, A Karki Nepal, MS Khadayat, RK Rai, P Shyamsundar, ...
Environmental and Resource Economics 84 (3), 729-752, 2023
Sustainable financing for municipal solid waste management in Nepal
B Bharadwaj, RK Rai, M Nepal
Plos one 15 (8), e0231933, 2020
Value of cleaner neighborhoods: Application of hedonic price model in low income context
M Nepal, RK Rai, MS Khadayat, E Somanathan
World Development 131, 104965, 2020
Are renewable energy subsidies in Nepal reaching the poor?
D Bhattarai, E Somanathan, M Nepal
Energy for Sustainable Development 43, 114-122, 2018
Differences in demand for watershed services: Understanding preferences through a choice experiment in the Koshi Basin of Nepal
RK Rai, P Shyamsundar, M Nepal, LD Bhatta
Ecological Economics 119, 274-283, 2015
Costs, cobenefits, and community responses to REDD+ a case study from Nepal
BP Sharma, P Shyamsundar, M Nepal, SK Pattanayak, BS Karky
Ecology and Society 22 (2), 2017
Assessing perceived consequentiality: evidence from a contingent valuation survey on global climate change
M Nepal, RP Berrens, AK Bohara
International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 14 (P09), 14-29, 2009
Development challenges for Nepal
MK Dahal, KP Acharya, DR Dahal, K Bhattachan, M Nepal
Nepal Foundation for Advanced Studies, 1999
Rainwater harvesting and rural livelihoods in Nepal
RR Kattel, M Nepal
Climate Change and Community Resilience, 159-173, 2022
Climate Change and Community Resilience
AKE Haque, P Mukhopadhyay, M Nepal, MR Shammin
Springer Nature, 2022
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Articles 1–20