Beena Ajmera
Beena Ajmera
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State
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A new correlation relating the shear strength of reconstituted soil to the proportions of clay minerals and plasticity characteristics
B Tiwari, B Ajmera
Applied Clay Science 53 (1), 48-57, 2011
New correlation equations for compression index of remolded clays
B Tiwari, B Ajmera
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 138 (6), 757-762, 2012
Consolidation and swelling behavior of major clay minerals and their mixtures
B Tiwari, B Ajmera
Applied Clay Science 54 (3-4), 264-273, 2011
Characteristics of moderate- to large-scale landslides triggered by the Mw 7.8 2015 Gorkha earthquake and its aftershocks
B Tiwari, B Ajmera, S Dhital
Landslides, 1-22, 2017
Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Cellular Concrete for Geotechnical Applications
B Tiwari, B Ajmera, R Maw, R Cole, D Villegas, P Palmerson
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2017
Shear Strength Reduction at the Soil Structure Interface
B Tiwari, B Ajmera, G Kaya
Geotechnical Special Publication 199, 1747-1756, 2010
Reduction in fully softened shear strength of natural clays with NaCl leaching and its effect on slope stability
B Tiwari, B Ajmera
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 141 (1), 04014086, 2015
Effect of long duration rainstorm on stability of Red-clay slopes
K Xue, B Ajmera, B Tiwari, Y Hu
Geoenvironmental Disasters 3, 1-13, 2016
Improving geotechnical behavior of clayey soils with shredded rubber tires—Preliminary study
B Tiwari, B Ajmera, S Moubayed, A Lemmon, K Styler, JG Martinez
Geo-Congress 2014: Geo-characterization and Modeling for Sustainability …, 2014
Effects of saline fluid on compressibility of clay minerals
B Tiwari, B Ajmera
Environmental Geotechnics 1 (2), 108-120, 2014
Soil Modification with Shredded Rubber Tires
B Tiwari, B Ajmera, S Moubayed, A Lemmon, K Styler
GeoCongress 2012@ sState of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering …, 2012
Impact of wildfire on triggering mudslides—a case study of 2018 Montecito debris flows
B Tiwari, B Ajmera, A Gonzalez, H Sonbol
Geo-congress 2020, 40-49, 2020
An advanced edge-detection method for noncontact structural displacement monitoring
X Bai, M Yang, B Ajmera
Sensors 20 (17), 4941, 2020
Characterization of the reduction in undrained shear strength in fine-grained soils due to cyclic loading
B Ajmera, T Brandon, B Tiwari
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 145 (5), 04019017, 2019
Influence of index properties on shape of cyclic strength curve for clay-silt mixtures
B Ajmera, T Brandon, B Tiwari
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 102, 46-55, 2017
Compaction Characteristics, Unconfined Compresive Strengths, and Coefficients of Permeability of Fine-Grained Soils Mixed with Crumb-Rubber Tire
B Ajmera, B Tiwari, J Koirala, Z Obaid
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29 (9), 04017148 1 - 04017148-10, 2017
Landslides Triggered by Earthquakes from 1920 to 2015
B Tiwari, B Ajmera
World Landslide Forum 4 2 (1), 5-15, 2017
Dynamic Properties of Lightweight Cellular Concrete for Geotechnical Applications
B Tiwari, B Ajmera, D Villegas
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (2), 04017271 1-10, 2017
Effect of mineral composition and shearing rates on the undrained shear strength of expansive clays
B Ajmera, B Tiwari, D Shrestha
GeoCongress 2012: State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering …, 2012
Geotechnical Properties of Clays Modified with Recycled Crumb Rubber
B Ajmera, B Tiwari, J Koirala
Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016, 1404-1413, 2016
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Articles 1–20