Howard T Petrie
Howard T Petrie
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Tight blood pressure control and risk of macrovascular and microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes: UKPDS 38
UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group
Bmj 317 (7160), 703-713, 1998
Zoned out: functional mapping of stromal signaling microenvironments in the thymus
HT Petrie, JC Zúñiga-Pflücker
Annu. Rev. Immunol. 25 (1), 649-679, 2007
Mapping precursor movement through the postnatal thymus reveals specific microenvironments supporting defined stages of early lymphoid development
EF Lind, SE Prockop, HE Porritt, HT Petrie
The Journal of experimental medicine 194 (2), 127-134, 2001
Heterogeneity among DN1 prothymocytes reveals multiple progenitors with different capacities to generate T cell and non-T cell lineages
HE Porritt, LL Rumfelt, S Tabrizifard, TM Schmitt, JC Zúñiga-Pflücker, ...
Immunity 20 (6), 735-745, 2004
Maintenance of T cell specification and differentiation requires recurrent notch receptor–ligand interactions
TM Schmitt, M Ciofani, HT Petrie, JC Zúñiga-Pflücker
The Journal of experimental medicine 200 (4), 469-479, 2004
T cell receptor β chain gene rearrangement and selection during thymocyte development in adult mice
EC Dudley, HT Petrie, LM Shah, MJ Owen, AC Hayday
Immunity 1 (2), 83-93, 1994
Commitment and developmental potential of extrathymic and intrathymic T cell precursors: plenty to choose from
A Bhandoola, H von Boehmer, HT Petrie, JC Zúñiga-Pflücker
Immunity 26 (6), 678-689, 2007
Regulation of cell division cycle progression by bcl-2 expression: a potential mechanism for inhibition of programmed cell death.
S Mazel, D Burtrum, HT Petrie
The Journal of experimental medicine 183 (5), 2219-2226, 1996
Thymic T cell development and progenitor localization depend on CCR7
A Misslitz, O Pabst, G Hintzen, L Ohl, E Kremmer, HT Petrie, R Förster
The Journal of experimental medicine 200 (4), 481-491, 2004
Critical role for CXCR4 signaling in progenitor localization and T cell differentiation in the postnatal thymus
J Plotkin, SE Prockop, A Lepique, HT Petrie
The Journal of Immunology 171 (9), 4521-4527, 2003
Multiple rearrangements in T cell receptor alpha chain genes maximize the production of useful thymocytes.
HT Petrie, F Livak, DG Schatz, A Strasser, IN Crispe, K Shortman
The Journal of experimental medicine 178 (2), 615-622, 1993
Inhibition of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity in vitro by autologous peripheral blood granulocytes.
HT Petrie, LW Klassen, HD Kay
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950) 134 (1), 230-234, 1985
Cell migration and the control of post-natal T-cell lymphopoiesis in the thymus
HT Petrie
Nature Reviews Immunology 3 (11), 859-866, 2003
T cell receptor gene recombination patterns and mechanisms: cell death, rescue, and T cell production.
HT Petrie, F Livak, D Burtrum, S Mazel
The Journal of experimental medicine 182 (1), 121-127, 1995
Characterization of TCR gene rearrangements during adult murine T cell development
F Livák, M Tourigny, DG Schatz, HT Petrie
The Journal of Immunology 162 (5), 2575-2580, 1999
Kinetics of steady-state differentiation and mapping of intrathymic-signaling environments by stem cell transplantation in nonirradiated mice
HE Porritt, K Gordon, HT Petrie
The Journal of experimental medicine 198 (6), 957-962, 2003
Regulation of thymus size by competition for stromal niches among early T cell progenitors
SE Prockop, HT Petrie
The Journal of Immunology 173 (3), 1604-1611, 2004
Direct comparison of Dll1-and Dll4-mediated Notch activation levels shows differential lymphomyeloid lineage commitment outcomes
M Mohtashami, DK Shah, H Nakase, K Kianizad, HT Petrie, ...
The Journal of Immunology 185 (2), 867-876, 2010
Lineage relationships and developmental kinetics of immature thymocytes: CD3, CD4, and CD8 acquisition in vivo and in vitro.
HT Petrie, P Hugo, R Scollay, K Shortman
The Journal of experimental medicine 172 (6), 1583-1588, 1990
Harnessing of the nucleosome-remodeling-deacetylase complex controls lymphocyte development and prevents leukemogenesis
J Zhang, AF Jackson, T Naito, M Dose, J Seavitt, F Liu, EJ Heller, ...
Nature immunology 13 (1), 86-94, 2012
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