David Reungoat
David Reungoat
MdCf (Lecturer) Université de Bordeaux
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High-frequency turbulence and suspended sediment concentration measurements in the Garonne River tidal bore
H Chanson, D Reungoat, B Simon, P Lubin
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 95 (2-3), 298-306, 2011
Temperature measurements by infrared thermography in the interface of a radial face seal
B Tournerie, D Reungoat, J Frêne
Fluid flow and sediment entrainment in the Garonne River bore and tidal bore collision
CE Keevil, H Chanson, D Reungoat
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (12), 1574-1586, 2015
Sediment processes and flow reversal in the undular tidal bore of the Garonne River (France)
D Reungoat, H Chanson, B Caplain
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 14, 591-616, 2014
Experimental study of sedimentation of concentrated mono-disperse suspensions: Determination of sedimentation modes
L Hernando, A Omari, D Reungoat
Powder technology 258, 265-271, 2014
3C PIV and PLIF measurement in turbulent mixing round jet impingement
D Reungoat, N Rivière, JP Fauré
Journal of Visualization 10 (1), 99-110, 2007
Tidal bore hydrodynamics and sediment processes: 2010–2016 field observations in France
D Reungoat, P Lubin, X Leng, H Chanson
Coastal Engineering Journal 60 (4), 484-498, 2018
Field measurements of unsteady turbulence in a tidal bore: the Garonne River in October 2013
D Reungoat, H Chanson, CE Keevil
Journal of Hydraulic Research 53 (3), 291-301, 2015
Experimental investigation of batch sedimentation of concentrated bidisperse suspensions
L Hernando, A Omari, D Reungoat
Powder Technology 275, 273-279, 2015
Turbulence and turbulent flux events in tidal bores: Case study of the undular tidal bore of the Garonne River
X Leng, H Chanson, D Reungoat
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 18, 807-828, 2018
Successive impact of tidal bores on sedimentary processes: Arcins channel, Garonne River
D Reungoat, X Leng, H Chanson
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 188, 163-173, 2017
Field measurements in the tidal bore of the Garonne River at Arcins (June 2012)
D Reungoat, H Chanson, B Caplain
University of Queensland, 2012
Macroscopic analysis of a turbulent round liquid jet impinging on an air/water interface in a confined medium
J Larocque, N Rivière, S Vincent, D Reungoat, JP Faure, JP Heliot, ...
Physics of Fluids 21 (6), 2009
Two dimensional velocity and diffusion mapping in the case of three dimensional transient diffusion:“Flash” method and infrared image sequence analysis
M Bamford, JC Batsale, D Reungoat, O Fudym
8th conference on quantitative infrared thermography, QIRT, 2006
Turbulence and sediment processes in The tidal bore of the garonne river: First observations
H Chanson, P Lubin, B Simon, D Reungoat
School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, 2010
Interactions between hard spheres sedimenting at low Reynolds number
C Vanroyen, A Omari, J Toutain, D Reungoat
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 24 (5), 586-595, 2005
Hydrodynamic and Sedimentary Processes of Tidal Bores: Arcins Channel, Garonne River in August-September-October 2015
D Reungoat, X Leng, H Chanson
Simultaneous velocity and diffusivity mapping in the case of 3-D transient heat diffusion: heat pulse thermography and IR image sequence analysis
M Bamford, JC Batsale, O Fudym, D Reungoat
Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal 5 (1), 97-126, 2008
Temperature measurement by infrared thermography in a lubricated contact: Radiometric analysis
D Reungoat, B Tournerie
Eurotherm Seminar n£ 42, Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, 1994
Turbulence and suspended sediment processes in the Garonne River tidal bore in November 2016
D Reungoat, X Leng, H Chanson
International Journal of Sediment Research 34 (5), 496-508, 2019
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Articles 1–20