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Photoplethysmography revisited: from contact to noncontact, from point to imaging
Y Sun, N Thakor
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 63 (3), 463-477, 2015
Motion-compensated noncontact imaging photoplethysmography to monitor cardiorespiratory status during exercise
Y Sun, S Hu, V Azorin-Peris, S Greenwald, J Chambers, Y Zhu
Journal of biomedical optics 16 (7), 077010-077010-9, 2011
Noncontact imaging photoplethysmography to effectively access pulse rate variability
Y Sun, S Hu, V Azorin-Peris, R Kalawsky, S Greenwald
Journal of biomedical optics 18 (6), 061205-061205, 2013
Use of ambient light in remote photoplethysmographic systems: comparison between a high-performance camera and a low-cost webcam
Y Sun, C Papin, V Azorin-Peris, R Kalawsky, S Greenwald, S Hu
Journal of biomedical optics 17 (3), 037005-037005, 2012
Functional cortical connectivity analysis of mental fatigue unmasks hemispheric asymmetry and changes in small-world networks
Y Sun, J Lim, K Kwok, A Bezerianos
Brain and Cognition, 2014
Functional connectivity analysis of mental fatigue reveals different network topological alterations between driving and vigilance tasks
GN Dimitrakopoulos, I Kakkos, Z Dai, H Wang, K Sgarbas, N Thakor, ...
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 26 (4 …, 2018
Task-independent mental workload classification based upon common multi-band EEG cortical connectivity
YSUN Georgios Dimitrakopoulos, Ioannis Kakkos, Zhongxiang Dai, Julian Lim ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017
Disrupted functional brain connectivity and its association to structural connectivity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
Y Sun, Q Yin, R Fang, X Yan, Y Wang, A Bezerianos, H Tang, F Miao, ...
PLoS One 9 (5), e96505, 2014
Brain enhancement through cognitive training: a new insight from brain connectome
F Taya, Y Sun, F Babiloni, NV Thakor, A Bezerianos
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 9, 44, 2015
EEG cortical connectivity analysis of working memory reveals topological reorganization in theta and alpha bands
Z Dai, J De Souza, J Lim, PM Ho, Y Chen, J Li, N Thakor, A Bezerianos, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 11, 237, 2017
Mental workload drives different reorganizations of functional cortical connectivity between 2D and 3D simulated flight experiments
I Kakkos, GN Dimitrakopoulos, L Gao, Y Zhang, P Qi, GK Matsopoulos, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 27 (9 …, 2019
Neural mechanisms of mental fatigue revisited: New insights from the brain connectome
P Qi, H Ru, L Gao, X Zhang, T Zhou, Y Tian, N Thakor, A Bezerianos, J Li, ...
Engineering 5 (2), 276-286, 2019
Reduced hemispheric asymmetry of brain anatomical networks is linked to schizophrenia: a connectome study
Y Sun, Y Chen, SL Collinson, A Bezerianos, K Sim
Cerebral Cortex 27 (1), 602-615, 2017
Cognitive workload assessment based on the tensorial treatment of EEG estimates of cross-frequency phase interactions
SI Dimitriadis, YU Sun, K Kwok, NA Laskaris, N Thakor, A Bezerianos
Annals of biomedical engineering 43, 977-989, 2015
Quantitative assessment of the training improvement in a motor-cognitive task by using EEG, ECG and EOG signals
G Borghini, P Aricò, I Graziani, S Salinari, Y Sun, F Taya, A Bezerianos, ...
Brain topography 29, 149-161, 2016
Driving fatigue recognition with functional connectivity based on phase synchronization
FW H. Wang, X. Liu, J. Li, T. Xu, A. Bezerianos, Y. Sun
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2020
Discriminative analysis of brain functional connectivity patterns for mental fatigue classification
Y Sun, J Lim, J Meng, K Kwok, N Thakor, A
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2014
Revealing cross-frequency causal interactions during a mental arithmetic task through symbolic transfer entropy: a novel vector-quantization approach
S Dimitriadis, Y Sun, N Laskaris, N Thakor, A Bezerianos
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (10 …, 2016
E-Key: An EEG-based biometric authentication and driving fatigue detection system
YS Tao Xu, Hongtao Wang, Guanyong Lu, Feng Wan, Mengqi Deng, Peng Qi ...
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2021
Dynamic reorganization of functional connectivity reveals abnormal temporal efficiency in schizophrenia
Y SUN, SL Collinson, J Suckling, K Sim
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2018
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Articles 1–20