Dr. Sudhindra Rayaprol
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Cited by
Magnetic behavior of ions in the exotic spin-chain compound from NMR studies
EV Sampathkumaran, N Fujiwara, S Rayaprol, PK Madhu, Y Uwatoko
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (1), 014437, 2004
B-site bismuth doping effect on structural, magnetic and magnetotransport properties of La0. 5Ca0. 5Mn1− xBixO3
A Krichene, PS Solanki, S Rayaprol, V Ganesan, W Boujelben, ...
Ceramics International 41 (2), 2637-2647, 2015
Magnetic behaviour of quasi-one-dimensional oxides, Ca3Co1+ xMn1− xO6
S Rayaprol, K Sengupta, EV Sampathkumaran
Solid state communications 128 (2-3), 79-84, 2003
Electronic structure of (, Rh, Ir) studied by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy
K Takubo, T Mizokawa, S Hirata, JY Son, A Fujimori, D Topwal, DD Sarma, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (7), 073406, 2005
Origin of Charge Density Wave Formation in Insulators <?format ?>from a High Resolution Photoemission Study of
K Maiti, RS Singh, VRR Medicherla, S Rayaprol, EV Sampathkumaran
Physical review letters 95 (1), 016404, 2005
Structural, transport and magnetic properties of monovalent doped La1− xNaxMnO3 manganites
SB Kansara, D Dhruv, B Kataria, CM Thaker, S Rayaprol, CL Prajapat, ...
Ceramics International 41 (5), 7162-7173, 2015
Evidence for magneto-electric and spin–lattice coupling in PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3 through structural and magneto-electric studies
S Matteppanavar, S Rayaprol, K Singh, VR Reddy, B Angadi
Journal of Materials Science 50, 4980-4993, 2015
Structural, electronic, vibrational and magnetic properties of Zn2+ substituted MnCr2O4 nanoparticles
K Manjunatha, VJ Angadi, RAP Ribeiro, E Longo, MC Oliveira, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 502, 166595, 2020
Structure and microstructure dependent transport and magnetic properties of sol–gel grown nanostructured La0. 6Nd0. 1Sr0. 3MnO3 manganites: role of oxygen
SB Kansara, D Dhruv, Z Joshi, DD Pandya, S Rayaprol, PS Solanki, ...
Applied Surface Science 356, 1272-1281, 2015
Magnetic frustration in the stoichiometric spin-chain compound Ca 3 CoIrO 6
S Rayaprol, K Sengupta, EV Sampathkumaran
Physical Review B 67 (18), 180404, 2003
Magnetic anomalies in the spin-chain compound : Griffiths-phase-like behavior of magnetic susceptibility
EV Sampathkumaran, N Mohapatra, S Rayaprol, KK Iyer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (5), 052412, 2007
Magnetic and electrical studies on La0. 4Sm0. 1Ca0. 5MnO3 charge ordered manganite
A Krichene, PS Solanki, D Venkateshwarlu, S Rayaprol, V Ganesan, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 381, 470-477, 2015
Indium Flux-Growth of Eu2AuGe3: A New Germanide with an AlB2 Superstructure
CP Sebastian, CD Malliakas, M Chondroudi, I Schellenberg, S Rayaprol, ...
Inorganic chemistry 49 (20), 9574-9580, 2010
Catalytic hydrolysis of sodium borohydride solution for hydrogen production using thermal plasma synthesized nickel nanoparticles
NP Ghodke, S Rayaprol, SV Bhoraskar, VL Mathe
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (33), 16591-16605, 2020
Magnetically Frustrated Double Perovskites: Synthesis, Structural Properties, and Magnetic Order of Sr2BOsO6 (B = Y, In, Sc)
AK Paul, A Sarapulova, P Adler, M Reehuis, S Kanungo, D Mikhailova, ...
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 641 (2), 197-205, 2015
Crystal chemistry and spectroscopic properties of ScAuSn, YAuSn, and LuAuSn
CP Sebastian, H Eckert, S Rayaprol, RD Hoffmann, R Pöttgen
Solid state sciences 8 (5), 560-566, 2006
Geometrically frustrated magnetic behavior of and
N Mohapatra, KK Iyer, S Rayaprol, EV Sampathkumaran
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (21), 214422, 2007
Investigation of New B-Site-Disordered Perovskite Oxide CaLaScRuO6+δ: An Efficient Oxygen Bifunctional Electrocatalyst in a Highly Alkaline Medium
N Kumar, M Kumar, TC Nagaiah, V Siruguri, S Rayaprol, AK Yadav, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (8), 9190-9200, 2020
Investigation on structural, mössbauer and ferroelectric properties of (1− x) PbFe0. 5Nb0. 5O3–(x) BiFeO3 solid solution
ST Dadami, S Matteppanavar, I Shivaraja, S Rayaprol, B Angadi, B Sahoo
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 418, 122-127, 2016
Composition dependent room temperature structure, electric and magnetic properties in magnetoelectric Pb (Fe1/2Nb1/2) O3Pb (Fe2/3W1/3) O3 solid-solutions
S Matteppanavar, S Rayaprol, B Angadi, B Sahoo
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 677, 27-37, 2016
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Articles 1–20