Bernardo Ranieri
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Cited by
Deep into the mud: ecological and socio-economic impacts of the dam breach in Mariana, Brazil
GW Fernandes, FF Goulart, BD Ranieri, MS Coelho, K Dales, N Boesche, ...
Natureza & Conservação 14 (2), 35-45, 2016
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Campo Rupestre: A road map for the sustainability of the hottest Brazilian biodiversity hotspot
GW Fernandes, L Arantes-Garcia, M Barbosa, NPU Barbosa, EKL Batista, ...
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 18 (4), 213-222, 2020
Changes in tree phenology along natural regeneration in a seasonally dry tropical forest
FF Pezzini, BD Ranieri, DO Brandão, GW Fernandes, M Quesada, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2014
The insignificance of thresholds in environmental impact assessment: an illustrative case study in Canada
CC Murray, J Wong, GG Singh, M Mach, J Lerner, B Ranieri, ...
Environmental Management 61, 1062-1071, 2018
Status and trends of land degradation and restoration and associated changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functions
S Prince, G Von Maltitz, F Zhang, K Byrne, C Driscoll, G Eshel, G Kust, ...
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem …, 2018
Fenologia reprodutiva e vegetativa de arbustos endêmicos de campo rupestre na Serra do Cipó, Sudeste do Brasil
RM Belo, D Negreiros, GW Fernandes, FAO Silveira, BD Ranieri, ...
Rodriguésia 64, 817-828, 2013
Testing the regeneration niche hypothesis with Gesneriaceae (tribe Sinningiae) in Brazil: implications for the conservation of rare species
BD Ranieri, FF Pezzini, QS Garcia, A Chautems, MGC França
Austral Ecology 37 (1), 125-133, 2012
Scientific shortcomings in environmental impact statements internationally
GG Singh, J Lerner, M Mach, CC Murray, B Ranieri, GP St‐Laurent, ...
People and Nature 2 (2), 369-379, 2020
Germinação de sementes de Lavoisiera cordata Cogn. e Lavoisiera francavillana Cogn.(Melastomataceae), espécies simpátricas da Serra do Cipó, Brasil
BD Ranieri, TC Lana, D Negreiros, LM Araújo, GW Fernandes
Acta Botanica Brasilica 17, 523-530, 2003
Polinização, dispersão de sementes e fenologia de espécies arbóreas no Parque Estadual da Mata Seca
FF Pezzini, D Brandão, BD Ranieri, MM Espírito-Santo, CM Jacobi, ...
MG Biota 1 (2), 37-45, 2008
Fenologia reprodutiva, sazonalidade e germinação de Kielmeyera regalis Saddi (Clusiaceae), espécie endêmica dos campos rupestres da Cadeia do Espinhaço, Brasil
BD Ranieri, D Negreiros, TC Lana, FF Pezzini, GW Fernandes
Acta Botanica Brasilica 26, 632-641, 2012
Deep into the mud: ecological and socio-economic impacts of the dam breach in Mariana, Brazil. Natureza & Conservação 14, 35–45
GW Fernandes, FF Goulart, BD Ranieri, MS Coelho, K Dales, N Boesche, ...
Deep into the mud: ecological and socio-economic impacts of the dam breach in Mariana, Brazil. Nat. Conserv. 14, 35–45
GW Fernandes, FF Goulart, BD Ranieri, MS Coelho, K Dales, N Boesche, ...
Morphophysiological differences in leaves of Lavoisiera campos-portoana (Melastomataceae) enhance higher drought tolerance in water shortage events
MGC França, LMZ Prados, JP de Lemos-Filho, BD Ranieri, FHA Vale
Journal of plant research 125, 85-92, 2012
Test of hypotheses about herbivory and chemical defences of Qualea parviflora (Vochysiaceae) in Brazilian Cerrado
SJ Gonçalves-Alvim, TC Lana, BD Ranieri, GW Fernandes
Brazilian Journal of Botany 34, 223-230, 2011
Deep into the mud: Ecological and socioeconomic impacts of the dam breach in Mariana. Brazil. Nat Conserv 14 (2): 35–45
GW Fernandes, FF Goulart, BD Ranieri, MS Coelho, K Dales, N Boesche, ...
Galetti Júnior
GW Fernandes, FF Goulart, BD Ranieri, MS Coelho, K Dales, N Boesche, ...
PM, Millan, VEG, Mielke, C., Ramirez, JL, Neves, A., Rogass, C., Ribeiro, SP …, 2016
Response to critique of “The insignificance of thresholds in environmental impact assessment: an illustrative case study in Canada”
GG Singh, J Lerner, C Clarke Murray, J Wong, M Mach, B Ranieri, ...
Environmental management 64, 133-137, 2019
Vegetation misclassification compromises conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Atlantic Forest ironstone outcrops
FAO Silveira, LN Perillo, FF Carmo, LHY Kamino, NFO Mota, PL Viana, ...
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 18 (4), 238-242, 2020
Growth, defense and herbivory on young leaves of Qualea parviflora (Vochysiaceae) in three different Cerrado habitats.
SJ Gonçalves-Alvim, TC Lana, BD Ranieri, FAO Silveira, V Ribeiro, ...
Neotropical Biology & Conservation 5 (2), 2010
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Articles 1–20