Evelyn Webb Williams
Evelyn Webb Williams
Adaptive Restoration LLC
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Restored tallgrass prairies have reduced phylogenetic diversity compared with remnants
RS Barak, EW Williams, AL Hipp, ML Bowles, GM Carr, R Sherman, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (4), 1080-1090, 2017
Out of Borneo: biogeography, phylogeny and divergence date estimates of Artocarpus (Moraceae)
EW Williams, EM Gardner, R Harris III, A Chaveerach, JT Pereira, ...
Annals of botany 119 (4), 611-627, 2017
Climate‐vegetation‐fire interactions and their impact on long‐term carbon dynamics in a boreal peatland landscape in northern Manitoba, Canada
P Camill, A Barry, E Williams, C Andreassi, J Limmer, D Solick
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 114 (G4), 2009
A target enrichment probe set for resolving the flagellate land plant tree of life
JW Breinholt, SB Carey, GP Tiley, EC Davis, L Endara, SF McDaniel, ...
Applications in plant sciences 9 (1), e11406, 2021
Phylogeny in the service of ecological restoration
AL Hipp, DJ Larkin, RS Barak, ML Bowles, MW Cadotte, SK Jacobi, ...
American journal of botany 102 (5), 647-648, 2015
Evaluating the prevalence and quality of conference codes of conduct
AJ Foxx, RS Barak, TM Lichtenberger, LK Richardson, AJ Rodgers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (30), 14931-14936, 2019
Phylogeny and source climate impact seed dormancy and germination of restoration-relevant forb species
AE Seglias, E Williams, A Bilge, AT Kramer
PloS one 13 (2), e0191931, 2018
Phylogeny and biogeography of Maclura (Moraceae) and the origin of an anachronistic fruit
EM Gardner, P Sarraf, EW Williams, NJC Zerega
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 117, 49-59, 2017
Phylogenetic placement of species within the genus Botrychium ss (Ophioglossaceae) on the basis of plastid sequences, amplified fragment length polymorphisms, and flow cytometry
EW Williams, DM Waller
International Journal of Plant Sciences 173 (5), 516-531, 2012
Cryptic speciation in allotetraploids: Lessons from the Botrychium matricariifolium complex
EW Williams, DR Farrar, D Henson
American Journal of Botany 103 (4), 740-753, 2016
Intraspecific functional trait structure of restoration‐relevant species: implications for restoration seed sourcing
J Zeldin, TM Lichtenberger, AJ Foxx, E Webb Williams, AT Kramer
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (5), 864-874, 2020
Effects of phylogenetic diversity and phylogenetic identity in a restoration ecology experiment
AL Hipp, MC Glasenhardt, ML Bowles, M Garner, BC Scharenbroch, ...
Phylogenetic diversity: Applications and challenges in biodiversity science …, 2018
Chloroplast Microsatellite Markers for Artocarpus (Moraceae) Developed from Transcriptome Sequences
EM Gardner, KM Laricchia, M Murphy, D Ragone, BE Scheffler, ...
Applications in plant sciences 3 (9), 1500049, 2015
Threats posed by ungulate herbivory to forest structure and plant diversity in the upper Great Lakes region with a review of methods to assess those threats
DM Waller, S Johnson, R Collins, E Williams
Natural Resource Report NPS/GLKN/NRR-2009/102, 2009
A transcriptome screen for positive selection in domesticated breadfruit and its wild relatives (Artocarpus spp.)
KM Laricchia, MG Johnson, D Ragone, EW Williams, NJC Zerega, ...
American journal of botany 105 (5), 915-926, 2018
Phylogenetic distance and resource availability mediate direction and strength of plant interactions in a competition experiment
EW Williams, J Zeldin, WR Semski, AL Hipp, DJ Larkin
Oecologia 197 (2), 459-469, 2021
In tallgrass prairie restorations, relatedness influences neighborhood-scale plant invasion while resource availability influences site-scale invasion
EW Williams, RS Barak, M Kramer, AL Hipp, DJ Larkin
Basic and Applied Ecology 33, 37-48, 2018
Tracking morphological change and demographic dynamics in ephemeral Botrychium s.s. (Ophioglossaceae) populations
EW Williams, DM Waller
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 142 (2), 152-165, 2015
Selection on convergent functional traits drives compositional divergence in early succession of a tallgrass prairie restoration experiment
N Karimi, DJ Larkin, MC Glasenhardt, RS Barak, EW Williams, AR Ernst, ...
Journal of Ecology 110 (2), 415-429, 2022
Phylogenetically and functionally diverse species mixes beget diverse experimental prairies, whether from seeds or plugs
RS Barak, N Karimi, MC Glasenhardt, DJ Larkin, EW Williams, AL Hipp
Restoration Ecology 31 (1), e13737, 2023
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Articles 1–20