C.J. Gabbe
Cited by
Cited by
Why are regulations changed? A parcel analysis of upzoning in Los Angeles
CJ Gabbe
Journal of planning education and research 38 (3), 289-300, 2018
Opening access to scenario planning tools
J Holway, CJ Gabbe, F Hebbert, J Lally, R Matthews, R Quay
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2012
Hidden costs and deadweight losses: Bundled parking and residential rents in the metropolitan United States
CJ Gabbe, G Pierce
Housing Policy Debate 27 (2), 217-229, 2017
Parking policy: The effects of residential minimum parking requirements in Seattle
CJ Gabbe, G Pierce, G Clowers
Land Use Policy 91, 104053, 2020
Changing residential land use regulations to address high housing prices: Evidence from Los Angeles
CJ Gabbe
Journal of the American Planning Association 85 (2), 152-168, 2019
How do developers respond to land use regulations? An analysis of new housing in Los Angeles
CJ Gabbe
Housing Policy Debate 28 (3), 411-427, 2018
Looking Through the Lens of Size: Land Use Regulations and Micro-Apartments in San Francisco
CJ Gabbe
Cityscape 17 (2), 223-237, 2015
Why and how do cities plan for extreme heat?
CJ Gabbe, G Pierce, E Petermann, A Marecek
Journal of Planning Education and Research 44 (3), 1316-1330, 2024
Extreme heat vulnerability of subsidized housing residents in California
CJ Gabbe, G Pierce
Housing Policy Debate 30 (5), 843-860, 2020
Housing and urban heat: assessing risk disparities
CJ Gabbe, E Mallen, A Varni
Housing Policy Debate 33 (5), 1078-1099, 2023
Local regulatory responses during a regional housing shortage: An analysis of rezonings in Silicon Valley
CJ Gabbe
Land use policy 80, 79-87, 2019
Residential zoning and near-roadway air pollution: An analysis of Los Angeles
CJ Gabbe
Sustainable Cities and Society 42, 611-621, 2018
Improperly-zoned, spatially-marginalized, and poorly-served? An analysis of mobile home parks in Los Angeles County
G Pierce, CJ Gabbe, SR Gonzalez
Land Use Policy 76, 178-185, 2018
Employment proximity and outcomes for Moving to Opportunity families
MC Lens, CJ Gabbe
Journal of urban affairs 39 (4), 547-562, 2017
Urban heat governance: examining the role of urban planning
L Keith, CJ Gabbe, E Schmidt
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 25 (5), 642-662, 2023
Subsidized households and wildfire hazards in California
CJ Gabbe, G Pierce, E Oxlaj
Environmental management 66 (5), 873-883, 2020
Reducing heat risk for people experiencing unsheltered homelessness
CJ Gabbe, JS Chang, M Kamson, E Seo
International journal of disaster risk reduction 96, 103904, 2023
Households living in manufactured housing face outsized exposure to heat and wildfire hazards: Evidence from California
G Pierce, CJ Gabbe, A Rosser
Natural Hazards Review 23 (3), 04022009, 2022
The opportunity cost of parking requirements
CJ Gabbe, T Osman, M Manville
Journal of Transport and Land Use 14 (1), 277-301, 2021
The effects of an “urban village” planning and zoning strategy in San Jose, California
CJ Gabbe, M Kevane, WA Sundstrom
Regional Science and Urban Economics 88, 103648, 2021
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Articles 1–20