Tom Lavers
Cited by
Cited by
‘Land grab’as development strategy? The political economy of agricultural investment in Ethiopia
T Lavers
Journal of Peasant Studies 39 (1), 105-132, 2012
Patterns of agrarian transformation in Ethiopia: State-mediated commercialisation and the ‘land grab’
T Lavers
The Journal of Peasant Studies 39 (3-4), 795-822, 2012
Conceptualising the politics of social protection expansion in low income countries: The intersection of transnational ideas and domestic politics
T Lavers, S Hickey
International Journal of Social Welfare 25 (4), 388-398, 2016
The Politics of Social Protection in Eastern and Southern Africa
S Hickey, T Lavers, M Niño-Zarazúa, J Seekings
Oxford University Press, 2019
Towards Universal Health Coverage in Ethiopia's ‘developmental state’? The political drivers of health insurance
T Lavers
Social Science & Medicine 228, 60-67, 2019
Social protection in an aspiring ‘developmental state’: The political drivers of Ethiopia’s PSNP
T Lavers
African Affairs 118 (473), 646-671, 2019
Responding to land-based conflict in Ethiopia: The land rights of ethnic minorities under federalism
T Lavers
African Affairs 117 (468), 462-484, 2018
Global Corruption Report 2007
Transparency International
Cambridge University Press, 2007
Food security and social protection in highland Ethiopia: linking the Productive Safety Net to the land question
T Lavers
The Journal of Modern African Studies 51 (03), 459-485, 2013
Understanding Elite Commitment to Social Protection: Rwanda's Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme
T Lavers
The Politics of Social Protection in Eastern and Southern Africa, 95, 2019
Agricultural Investment in Ethiopia: Undermining National Sovereignty or Tool for State Building?
T Lavers
Development and Change 47 (5), 1078-1101, 2016
The impact of agricultural investments on state capacity: A comparative analysis of Ethiopia and Ghana
T Lavers, F Boamah
Geoforum, 2016
Reconciling the needs and wants of respondents in two rural Ethiopian communities
T Lavers
Social Indicators Research 86 (1), 129-147, 2008
Alternative routes to the institutionalisation of social transfers in sub-Saharan Africa: Political survival strategies and transnational policy coalitions
T Lavers, S Hickey
World Development 146, 105549, 2021
Elites, Ideas and the Politics of Inclusive Development
T Lavers
Between Fault Lines and Front Lines: Shifting Power in an Unequal World, 135, 2022
Land Registration and Gender Equality in Ethiopia: How State–Society Relations Influence the Enforcement of Institutional Change
T Lavers
Journal of Agrarian Change 17 (1), 188-207, 2017
Theorising the political economy of dams: towards a research agenda
T Lavers, B Dye
Future DAMS working paper 1, 2019
The Politics of Distributing Social Transfers: State Capacity and Political Contestation in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
T Lavers
Oxford University Press, 2022
Social inclusion and the post-2015 sustainable development agenda
E Dugarova, T Lavers
Sl: UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), New York, 2014
Ethiopia’s ‘Developmental State’: Political Order and Distributive Crisis
T Lavers
Cambridge University Press, 2023
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Articles 1–20