Laurent White
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Cited by
Problems and prospects in large-scale ocean circulation models
SM Griffies, AJ Adcroft, H Banks, CW Böning, EP Chassignet, ...
Proceedings of OceanObs 9, 410-431, 2009
Toward a generic method for studying water renewal, with application to the epilimnion of Lake Tanganyika
O Gourgue, E Deleersnijder, L White
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 74 (4), 628-640, 2007
Detecting high-emitting methane sources in oil/gas fields using satellite observations
DH Cusworth, DJ Jacob, JX Sheng, J Benmergui, AJ Turner, J Brandman, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (23), 16885-16896, 2018
A three-dimensional unstructured mesh finite element shallow-water model, with application to the flows around an island and in a wind-driven, elongated basin
L White, E Deleersnijder, V Legat
Ocean Modelling 22 (1-2), 26-47, 2008
A high-order finite volume remapping scheme for nonuniform grids: The piecewise quartic method (PQM)
L White, A Adcroft
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (15), 7394-7422, 2008
Flow separation and vertical motions in a tidal flow interacting with a shallow-water island
L White, E Wolanski
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 77 (3), 457-466, 2008
Tracer conservation for three-dimensional, finite-element, free-surface, ocean modeling on moving prismatic meshes
L White, V Legat, E Deleersnijder
Monthly weather review 136 (2), 420-442, 2008
Diagnoses of vertical transport in a three-dimensional finite element model of the tidal circulation around an island
L White, E Deleersnijder
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 74 (4), 655-669, 2007
Assessing the capability of different satellite observing configurations to resolve the distribution of methane emissions at kilometer scales
AJ Turner, DJ Jacob, J Benmergui, J Brandman, L White, CA Randles
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (11), 8265-8278, 2018
High-order regridding–remapping schemes for continuous isopycnal and generalized coordinates in ocean models
L White, A Adcroft, R Hallberg
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (23), 8665-8692, 2009
Influence of the turbulence closure scheme on the finite-element simulation of the upwelling in the wake of a shallow-water island
S Blaise, E Deleersnijder, L White, JF Remacle
Continental Shelf Research 27 (18), 2329-2345, 2007
Filtering the signature of submerged large woody debris from bathymetry data
L White, BR Hodges
Journal of Hydrology 309 (1-4), 53-65, 2005
Using physics-informed regularization to improve extrapolation capabilities of neural networks
D Davini, B Samineni, B Thomas, AH Tran, C Zhu, K Ha, G Dasika, ...
NeurIPS workshop "ML and the Physical Sciences", 2021
A one-dimensional benchmark for the propagation of Poincaré waves
L White, V Legat, E Deleersnijder, D Le Roux
Ocean Modelling 15 (1-2), 101-123, 2006
Olivier Gourgue, Eric Deleersnijder, Vincent Legat
E Marchal, L White
Full-wavefield inversion for acoustic wave velocity and attenuation
H Denli, V Akcelik, A Kanevsky, D Trenev, L White, MD Lacasse
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2013-1350, 2013
Multiparameter material model and source signature full waveform inversion
V Akçelik, H Denli, A Kanevsky, KK Patel, L White, MD Lacasse
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, 2406-2410, 2011
Comparison of free-surface and rigid-lid finite element models of barotropic instabilities
L White, JM Beckers, E Deleersnijder, V Legat
Ocean Dynamics 56, 86-103, 2006
Full-wavefield inversion: An extreme-scale PDE-constrained optimization problem
MD Lacasse, L White, H Denli, L Qiu
Frontiers in PDE-Constrained Optimization, 205-255, 2018
Accuracy and consistency in finite element ocean modeling
L White
PhD thesis, Universite Catholique De Louvain, 2007
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Articles 1–20