Eric Dumbaugh
Eric Dumbaugh
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The built environment and traffic safety: a review of empirical evidence
R Ewing, E Dumbaugh
Journal of Planning Literature 23 (4), 347-367, 2009
Safe urban form: Revisiting the relationship between community design and traffic safety
E Dumbaugh, R Rae
Journal of the American Planning Association 75 (3), 309-329, 2009
Safe streets, livable streets
E Dumbaugh, JL Gattis
Journal of the American Planning Association 71 (3), 283-300, 2005
Designing for the safety of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists in urban environments
E Dumbaugh, W Li
Journal of the American Planning Association 77 (1), 69-88, 2010
Designing communities to enhance the safety and mobility of older adults: A universal approach
E Dumbaugh
Journal of Planning Literature 23 (1), 17-36, 2008
Crash risk, crash exposure, and the built environment: A conceptual review
LA Merlin, E Guerra, E Dumbaugh
Accident Analysis & Prevention 134, 105244, 2020
Traffic safety and safe routes to schools: synthesizing the empirical evidence
E Dumbaugh, L Frank
Transportation research record 2009 (1), 89-97, 2007
Design of safe urban roadsides: An empirical analysis
E Dumbaugh
Transportation research record 1961 (1), 74-82, 2006
A taxonomy of driving errors and violations: Evidence from the naturalistic driving study
AJ Khattak, N Ahmad, B Wali, E Dumbaugh
Accident Analysis & Prevention 151, 105873, 2021
The built environment and the incidence of pedestrian and cyclist crashes
E Dumbaugh, W Li, K Joh
Urban Design International 18, 217-228, 2013
Internalizing travel by mixing land uses: Study of master-planned communities in south Florida
R Ewing, E Dumbaugh, M Brown
Transportation research record 1780 (1), 115-128, 2001
Revisiting the relationship between traffic congestion and the economy: a longitudinal examination of US metropolitan areas
WE Marshall, E Dumbaugh
Transportation 47 (1), 275-314, 2020
A conceptual framework to understand the role of built environment on traffic safety
D Saha, E Dumbaugh, LA Merlin
Journal of safety research 75, 41-50, 2020
The relationship between community design and crashes involving older drivers and pedestrians
E Dumbaugh, Y Zhang
Journal of planning education and research 33 (1), 83-95, 2013
Safe streets, livable streets: A positive approach to urban roadside design
E Dumbaugh
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005
A case study of induced trips at mixed-use developments
BR Sperry, MW Burris, E Dumbaugh
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39 (4), 698-712, 2012
Application of the Poisson-Tweedie distribution in analyzing crash frequency data
D Saha, P Alluri, E Dumbaugh, A Gan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 137, 105456, 2020
Engineering livable streets: A thematic review of advancements in urban street design
E Dumbaugh, M King
Journal of Planning Literature 33 (4), 451-465, 2018
Overcoming financial and institutional barriers to TOD: Lindbergh Station case study
E Dumbaugh
Journal of Public Transportation 7 (3), 43-69, 2004
Residential accessibility's relationships with crash rates per capita
LA Merlin, CR Cherry, A Mohamadi-Hezaveh, E Dumbaugh
Journal of Transport and Land Use 13 (1), 113-128, 2020
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Articles 1–20