Rob Kooper
Rob Kooper
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Cited by
Cyberguide: A mobile context‐aware tour guide
GD Abowd, CG Atkeson, J Hong, S Long, R Kooper, M Pinkerton
Wireless networks 3, 421-433, 1997
Effectiveness of computer-generated (virtual reality) graded exposure in the treatment of acrophobia.
BO Rothbaum, LF Hodges, R Kooper, D Opdyke, JS Williford, M North
The American journal of psychiatry 152 (4), 626-628, 1995
Immersion, presence and performance in virtual environments: An experiment with tri-dimensional chess
M Slater, V Linakis, M Usoh, R Kooper
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on virtual reality software and technology …, 1996
Rapid prototyping of mobile context-aware applications: The cyberguide case study
S Long, R Kooper, GD Abowd, CG Atkeson
Proceedings of the 2nd annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 1996
Virtual reality graded exposure in the treatment of acrophobia: A case report
BO Rothbaum, LF Hodges, R Kooper, D Opdyke, JS Williford, M North
Behavior therapy 26 (3), 547-554, 1995
Teaching and learning as multimedia authoring: the classroom 2000 project
GD Abowd, CG Atkeson, A Feinstein, C Hmelo, R Kooper, S Long, ...
Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 187-198, 1997
Virtual environments for treating the fear of heights
LF Hodges, R Kooper, TC Meyer, BO Rothbaum, D Opdyke, JJ Graaff, ...
IEEE computer 28 (7), 27-34, 1995
On improving the communication between models and data
MC Dietze, DS Lebauer, ROB Kooper
Plant, Cell & Environment 36 (9), 1575-1585, 2013
A quantitative assessment of a terrestrial biosphere model's data needs across North American biomes
MC Dietze, SP Serbin, C Davidson, AR Desai, X Feng, R Kelly, R Kooper, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119 (3), 286-300, 2014
Browsing the real-world wide web: Maintaining awareness of virtual information in an AR information space
R Kooper, B MacIntyre
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 16 (3), 425-446, 2003
Effectiveness of computer-generated (virtual reality) graded exposure in the treatment of acrophobia
D Opdyke, JS Williford, M North
Am J psychiatry 1 (152), 626-628, 1995
Beyond ecosystem modeling: A roadmap to community cyberinfrastructure for ecological data‐model integration
I Fer, AK Gardella, AN Shiklomanov, EE Campbell, EM Cowdery, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (1), 13-26, 2021
Presence as the defining factor in a VR application
LF Hodges, R Kooper, TC Meyer, JJH De Graaff, BO Rothbaum, ...
Georgia Institute of Technology, 1994
BETYdb: A yield, trait, and ecosystem service database applied to second‐generation bioenergy feedstock production
D LeBauer, R Kooper, P Mulrooney, S Rohde, D Wang, SP Long, ...
GCB Bioenergy 10 (1), 61-71, 2018
TERRA-REF data processing infrastructure
M Burnette, R Kooper, JD Maloney, GS Rohde, JA Terstriep, C Willis, ...
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing, 1-7, 2018
Towards sustainable curation and preservation: The sead project's data services approach
J Myers, M Hedstrom, D Akmon, S Payette, BA Plale, I Kouper, ...
2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science, 485-494, 2015
Clowder: Open source data management for long tail data
L Marini, I Gutierrez-Polo, R Kooper, SP Satheesan, M Burnette, J Lee, ...
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing, 1-8, 2018
A virtual sensor system for user-generated, real-time environmental data products
DJ Hill, Y Liu, L Marini, R Kooper, A Rodriguez, J Futrelle, BS Minsker, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (12), 1710-1724, 2011
Recognition of arm gestures using multiple orientation sensors: Repeatability assessment
M Urban, P Bajcsy, R Kooper, JC Lementec
Proceedings. The 7th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent …, 2004
A new framework for on-demand virtualization, repurposing and fusion of heterogeneous sensors
Y Liu, D Hill, A Rodriguez, L Marini, R Kooper, J Myers, X Wu, B Minsker
2009 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 54-63, 2009
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Articles 1–20