David L. Weimer
David L. Weimer
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Cited by
Cited by
Cost benefit analysis
AE Boardman
Pearson Education India, 2008
Policy analysis: Concepts and practice
D Weimer, A Vining
Routledge, 2017
The advent of Internet surveys for political research: A comparison of telephone and Internet samples
RP Berrens, AK Bohara, H Jenkins-Smith, C Silva, DL Weimer
Political analysis 11 (1), 1-22, 2003
Organizational report cards
WT Gormley Jr, DL Weimer
Harvard University Press, 1999
“Just give me a number!” Practical values for the social discount rate
MA Moore, AE Boardman, AR Vining, DL Weimer, DH Greenberg
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 23 (4), 789-812, 2004
Early identification and treatment of Alzheimer's disease: social and fiscal outcomes
DL Weimer, MA Sager
Alzheimer's & Dementia 5 (3), 215-226, 2009
Information and effort in contingent valuation surveys: application to global climate change using national internet samples
RP Berrens, AK Bohara, HC Jenkins-Smith, CL Silva, DL Weimer
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 47 (2), 331-363, 2004
School performance and housing values: Using non-contiguous district and incorporation boundaries to identify school effects
DL Weimer, MJ Wolkoff
National Tax Journal 54 (2), 231-253, 2001
Government supply and government production failure: A framework based on contestability
AR Vining, DL Weimer
Journal of Public Policy 10 (1), 1-22, 1990
The political economy of property rights
DL Weimer
The Political Economy of Property Rights. Institutional Change and …, 1997
School accountability ratings and housing values [with comments]
TJ Kane, DO Staiger, G Samms, EW Hill, DL Weimer
Brookings-Wharton papers on urban Affairs, 83-137, 2003
Institutional design
DL Weimer
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Publication of quality report cards and trends in reported quality measures in nursing homes
DB Mukamel, DL Weimer, WD Spector, H Ladd, JS Zinn
Health services research 43 (4), 1244-1262, 2008
Quality report cards, selection of cardiac surgeons, and racial disparities: a study of the publication of the New York State Cardiac Surgery Reports
DB Mukamel, DL Weimer, J Zwanziger, SFH Gorthy, AI Mushlin
INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing …, 2004
You can't make me do it: State implementation of insurance exchanges under the Affordable Care Act
SF Haeder, DL Weimer
Public Administration Review 73 (s1), S34-S47, 2013
The performance of charter schools in Wisconsin
J Witte, D Weimer, A Shober, P Schlomer
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 26 (3), 557-573, 2007
Racial differences in access to high-quality cardiac surgeons.
DB Mukamel, AS Murthy, DL Weimer
American Journal of Public Health 90 (11), 1774, 2000
An assessment of important issues concerning the application of benefit–cost analysis to social policy
AR Vining, DL Weimer
Principles and standards for benefit–cost analysis, 25-62, 2013
The political economy of property rights: institutional change and credibility in the reform of centrally planned economies
DL Weimer
Cambridge University Press, 1997
Policy analysis and evidence: A craft perspective
DL Weimer
Policy Studies Journal 26 (1), 114-128, 1998
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Articles 1–20