Kristin Broms
Kristin Broms
Provivi, Inc
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Cited by
Model selection and assessment for multi‐species occupancy models
KM Broms, MB Hooten, RM Fitzpatrick
Ecology 97 (7), 1759-1770, 2016
The basis function approach for modeling autocorrelation in ecological data
TJ Hefley, KM Broms, BM Brost, FE Buderman, SL Kay, HR Scharf, ...
Ecology 98 (3), 632-646, 2017
Dynamic occupancy models for explicit colonization processes
KM Broms, MB Hooten, DS Johnson, R Altwegg, LL Conquest
Ecology 97 (1), 194-204, 2016
Novel methods reveal shifts in migration phenology of barn swallows in South Africa
R Altwegg, K Broms, B Erni, P Barnard, GF Midgley, LG Underhill
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1733), 1485-1490, 2012
Spatial occupancy models applied to atlas data show Southern Ground Hornbills strongly depend on protected areas
KM Broms, DS Johnson, R Altwegg, LL Conquest
Ecological Applications 24 (2), 363-374, 2014
Using statistical population reconstruction to estimate demographic trends in small game populations
K Broms, JR Skalski, JJ Millspaugh, CA Hagen, JH Schulz
The Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (2), 310-317, 2010
Accounting for imperfect detection in Hill numbers for biodiversity studies
KM Broms, MB Hooten, RM Fitzpatrick
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (1), 99-108, 2015
Using Detection Dogs to Conduct Simultaneous Surveys of Northern Spotted (Strix occidentalis caurina) and Barred Owls (Strix varia)
SK Wasser, LS Hayward, J Hartman, RK Booth, K Broms, J Berg, E Seely, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42892, 2012
Spatial segregation in eastern north Pacific skate assemblages
JJ Bizzarro, KM Broms, MG Logsdon, DA Ebert, MM Yoklavich, LA Kuhnz, ...
PLoS One 9 (10), e109907, 2014
Censoring trace-level environmental data: statistical analysis considerations to limit bias
BJ George, L Gains-Germain, K Broms, K Black, M Furman, MD Hays, ...
Environmental science & technology 55 (6), 3786-3795, 2021
Replacement Rules for the Flight Feathers of Yellow-Billed Cuckoos (Coccyzus americanus) and Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus)
S Rohwer, K Broms
The Auk 130 (4), 599-608, 2013
Use of feather loss intervals to estimate molt duration and to sample feather vein at equal time intervals through the primary replacement
S Rohwer, K Broms
The Auk 129 (4), 653-659, 2012
Temporal and energetic drivers of seed resource use by Clark's nutcracker, keystone seed disperser of coniferous forests
TJ Williams, DF Tomback, N Grevstad, K Broms
Ecosphere 11 (3), e03085, 2020
Small game population reconstruction: model development and applications
KM Broms
University of Washington, 2008
Using presence-absence data on areal units to model the ranges and range shifts of select South African bird species
KM Broms
Long-Term Coastal Breeding Bird Monitoring in the Boston Harbor Islands, 2007–2019
CL Trocki, AS Weed, A Kozlowski, K Broms
Northeastern Naturalist 25 (sp9), 235-257, 2021
Supressão de acasalamentos e redução de danos de Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith, 1797) no algodoeiro
FG Schirmer, BM Favetti, T Clark, T Galvan, EMG Cordeiro, L Vivan, ...
Entomological Communications 5, ec05026-ec05026, 2023
Mating disruption technology: An innovative tool for managing yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas Walker) of rice in Indonesia: Teknologi gangguan kawin: Inovasi untuk …
M Iqbal, M Marman, F Arintya, K Broms, T Clark, L Srigiriraju
Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 20 (2), 129-129, 2023
Monitoring and Evaluation of Smolt Migration in the Columbia Basin: Volume XVIII: Survival and Transportation Effects of Migrating Snake River Wild Chinook Salmon and Steelhead …
RA Buchanan, JR Skalski, K Broms
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Portland, OR (United States), 2008
Management of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize (Zea mays L.) in Indonesia and Thailand via mating disruption: Pengendalian ulat …
L Srigiriraju, K Broms, M Sripeangchan, K Khampuang, R Ekalianna, ...
Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 21 (3), 184-199, 2024
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Articles 1–20