Denis Gautier
Denis Gautier
CIRAD Forêts et Sociétés
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Tropical dry forests: The state of global knowledge and recommendations for future research
R Blackie, C Baldauf, D Gautier, D Gumbo, H Kassa, N Parthasarathy, ...
Cifor, 2014
Livestock’s contribution to poverty alleviation: How to measure it?
V Alary, C Corniaux, D Gautier
World development 39 (9), 1638-1648, 2011
Impacts of drought and responses of rural populations in West Africa: a systematic review
D Gautier, D Denis, B Locatelli
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 7 (5), 666-681, 2016
Global dry forests: a prologue
T Sunderland, D Apgaua, C Baldauf, R Blackie, C Colfer, AB Cunningham, ...
International Forestry Review 17 (2), 1-9, 2015
Environnement, discours et pouvoir: L'approche Political ecology
D Gautier, TA Benjaminsen
Quae éditions, 2012
Coping with the upheavals of globalization in the shea value chain: The maintenance and relevance of upstream shea nut supply chain organization in western Burkina Faso
K Rousseau, D Gautier, DA Wardell
World Development 66, 413-427, 2015
Regulation by territorialization: the political ecology of conservation & development territories. Introduction
TJ Bassett, D Gautier
EchoGéo, 2014
Dry forests, livelihoods and poverty alleviation: understanding current trends
H Djoudi, E Vergles, RR Blackie, CK Koame, D Gautier
International Forestry Review 17 (2), 54-69, 2015
Textural ordination based on Fourier spectral decomposition: a method to analyze and compare landscape patterns
P Couteron, N Barbier, D Gautier
Landscape ecology 21 (4), 555-567, 2006
The environmental, socioeconomic, and health impacts of woodfuel value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic map
P Sola, PO Cerutti, W Zhou, D Gautier, M Iiyama, J Schure, A Chenevoy, ...
Environmental Evidence 6, 1-16, 2017
The socioeconomic and environmental impacts of wood energy value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic map protocol
PO Cerutti, P Sola, A Chenevoy, M Iiyama, J Yila, W Zhou, H Djoudi, ...
Environmental Evidence 4, 1-7, 2015
Landscape diversity and associated coping strategies during food shortage periods: evidence from the Sudano-Sahelian region of Burkina Faso
CK Koffi, H Djoudi, D Gautier
Regional Environmental Change 17, 1369-1380, 2017
Comparaison de deux approches de modélisation des dynamiques spatiales par simulation multi-agents: les approches" spatiale" et" acteurs"
F Bousquet, D Gautier
Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, 1999
Shift in herders’ territorialities from regional to local scale: the political ecology of pastoral herding in western Burkina Faso
A Gonin, D Gautier
Pastoralism 5, 1-12, 2015
Woodcutting and territorial claims in Mali
D Gautier, B Hautdidier, L Gazull
Geoforum 42 (1), 28-39, 2011
The relationship between herders and trees in space and time in northern Cameroon
D Gautier, A Bonnérat, A Njoya
Geographical Journal 171 (4), 324-339, 2005
Agriculteurs et éleveurs des savanes d'Afrique centrale: de la coexistence à l'intégration territoriale
D Gautier, GF Ankogui-Mpoko, F Réounodji, A Njoya, C Seignobos
L'Espace géographique, 223-236, 2005
Forests in the global balance-changing paradigms
G Mery, RI Alfaro, M Kanninen, S Bernstein, D Capistrano, K Hogl, ...
Selected Books 17, 2005
The contributions of wild tree resources to food and nutrition security in sub-Saharan African drylands: a review of the pathways and beneficiaries
CK Koffi, A Lourme-Ruiz, H Djoudi, E Bouquet, S Dury, D Gautier
International Forestry Review 22 (1), 64-82, 2020
Renegotiating access to shea trees in Burkina Faso: Challenging power relationships associated with demographic shifts and globalized trade
K Rousseau, D Gautier, DA Wardell
Journal of Agrarian Change 17 (3), 497-517, 2017
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Articles 1–20